1 year ago

DELETED FROM OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL "This video is of a press conference that took place in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, July 28, 2020, held by the group America’s Frontline Doctors and organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots Foundation. The press conference featured frontline doctors sharing their views and opinions on the novel coronavirus, the medical response to the pandemic, and the censorship they have experienced from Big Tech." - Breitbart News"Silenced Frontline Doctors Hold Capitol Hill Press Conference to Challenge Big Tech" https://youtu.be/cY0TH-DTYEI

"Group Of Medical Doctors Exposing The Plot To Stop Hydroxychloroquine And Promote The Very Expensive Remdesivir Have Web Site Removed"
If you try accessing the America's Frontline Doctors site, you will find that it has been removed for vague and unspecified reasons. Right now, a major smear campaign is being waged in the Liberal media to discredit these doctors who are trying to tell Americans the truth. If you are not outraged by this, and outraged by the fact that with over 142,000 COVID deaths that any drug company would be allowed to sell the cure for $3,000 a shot, then you must be Liberal yourself. What is happening now is a conspiracy of the highest magnitude, taking place in real time.

Do a little research, and ask yourself if it is OK for them to purposely try a stop an inexpensive drug that works for a large portion of the population, hydroxychloroquine, and instead promote an unproven one, Remdesivir, that is massively and profitably expensive.

A group of medical professionals called America’s Frontline Doctors are trying very hard right now to expose a plot to prevent people from having access to hydroxychloroquine, HCQ, which is very effective against the COVID-19 coronavirus, and instead promote a new drug called Remdesivir, from Gilead pharmaceuticals. The cost per dose for HCQ is under $10, the cost per dose for Remdesivir is over $3,000! Do you see where this is going? Do you see why Bill Gates has invested so much money into vaccines and drugs?

If you try accessing the America’s Frontline Doctors site, you will find that it has been removed for vague and unspecified reasons. Right now, a major smear campaign is being waged in the Liberal media to discredit these doctors who are trying to tell Americans the truth. If you are not outraged by this, and outraged by the fact that with over 142,000 COVID deaths that any drug company would be allowed to sell the cure for $3,000 a shot, then you must be Liberal yourself. What is happening now is a conspiracy of the highest magnitude, taking place in real time.


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Adquira aqui meu livro "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?"

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