The Blood Cult: 27 Victims + 27 Witnesses (from Lois Sasek)

1 year ago

But dear viewers, buckle your seatbelts now because today, I am going to introduce you to many witnesses who report on the cruelest human sacrifices that seem to still take place TODAY – especially at Halloween. Kla.TV has received hundreds of witness reports from all over the world, for a long time, independently from each other, yet giving unequivocally identical statements concerning an extremely "brutal Satan-Cult", in which the uppermost class of our society is involved. Since these people are very rich and powerful, these brutalities, which have been witnessed 100'000-fold seem to be definitely kept undercover: by media, secret services, police and courts – in short: by all important authorities. Kla.TV cannot air these documentations and live-reports due to their cruelty. And these videos are being immediately deleted since they are not rated G. Still, I would like to introduce you today to27 victims and 27 testimonies. I’ll briefly summarize some of their statements. It's going to get really tough now. The following content is not suitable for persons under 18 years. So buckle up and join me on the journey of meeting these victims and witnesses. Please do not turn off this video too early.
This is Deborah from French-speaking Switzerland. She says, she attended satanic masses and had to watch the limbs of a child being cut off with an electric knife and being sexually abused in the process. She is disclosing these cruel events because she knows that children today are still experiencing this hell. “I am speaking up for all the children who are still going through this, in order to stop it. One should know about it, so that it can stop.”
This is Noemi M. She testifies of having been abused dozens of times as a child for 5 years. She says she attended satanic ceremonies in which priests in long dark robes were sacrificing children. After the sacrificing, food was served on the terrace – big platters piled with meat. She says: “This was human flesh.”
Noemi wants people to hear this - hear it again and again so that children will no longer have to experience this, so that people would wake up and understand reality, that one could no longer say: This child lied. “My story is the proof that this pedophile network indeed exists.”
Teresa from England testified on the TV broadcast “60 Minutes” that already as a very young girl, she had been violently impregnated several times, that her babies were extracted from her and ritually sacrificed. She claimed she was forced to even eat the remains of her babies. She was also forced to carry out sexual acts with animals. She was abused in big satanic ceremonies by up to 30people one after the other.
Dear viewers, please do not turn off this video now. Stay with us.
This man here, Guido Grandt, is a German journalist, TV-producer, lecturer, and author. Grandt has done research on satanic Cults and their cruel crimes. In several books, he reports of the most severe psychological, physical and sexual perversions, of black masses, blood-sacrifices, cannibalism and vampirism. I would like to quickly just mention here, that countless victims and witnesses have written down their cruel experiences in books. I’ll just really briefly
This is Alisa and Gabriel Dearman from England. During several official questioning by the police and in front of running cameras, they reported on who abused them, amongst others their own father. Here a little part of the original quote, from Gabriel: “…they stick it in at the bottom” … Interviewer: “Who is inserting something in your behind?” “Daddy, Richie – social services –all! Simply all” “Who, who?” “Everyone!” “Does your mother do it, too?” Both at the same time: “No!” Do I do it? “No!” “Who then is doing it?” “Dad, Mr.Hollins, the school!” “Tell me more people!” Boy: “The family of my father, parents, policemen”. “And which of the teachers is involved the most?” “Dad, Mr. Hollins, Mrs. Wolstein.” “Who is Mrs. Wolstein?” “Mrs. Wolstein is the principal of our school.” “And what happens at church?” “We sacrifice babies and eat them.” “What do you mean, sacrificing babies and eating them?” “We kill the baby, eat it and drink its blood” “Is that true Gabriel?” “Yes! Andwedancearoundtheskulls”.
When this video with Alisa and Gabriel’s statements went public, the judiciary suddenly acted VERY FAST! Unfortunately though, in the wrong direction! The children were immediately taken away from their mother because she had allegedly talked the children into “these lies” (sarcastically: and that’s how it just felt hearing that before, didn’t it?...) and the sole custody was transferred to the – oh so trustworthy father, Ricky Dearman. Despite the available medical reports confirming the abuse of the children, the BBC took great efforts in an interview with the father Ricky Dearman to make him look innocent. He was presented as if he had become victim of a malicious campaign. So the children grew up in Hollywood under ”his protection”.
Let’s still listen to the mother of the two. Ella Draper testified that her ex-husband Ricky Dearman was the leader of the satanic group in Hampstead. She found out that he had been involved with the cruel torturing and killing of children, had made films of it and sold them on the Darknet.
Didier Cazet, a French journalist reports that such videos are called “Snuff-videos”. Children are being abused and tortured in these videos until they die in front of running cameras. In order to see a child die, rich people pay from 25thousand up to one million Euros.***Who has one million euros in their pocket to pay for such a video? More about that in a moment from other victims.
But now a statement about these snuff-videos from the psychotherapist Michaela Huber. She is from Germany and works with victims of ritual abuse. She says, the younger the victims are, the more you see their face on the snuff-video, the more sadistic (cruel) the portrayed scenes, the more money such a film is worth.
This is Jessie Marsson from Germany. He reports that from childhood on, he was sold to pedophile customers who would sexually abuse and torture him. He tells the same horrific stories of abuse and torture just like all the others. Sometimes he was booked only to be beaten, he was tied up and beaten for an hour. Later he recognized his tormentors on election posters or on television and got to know their names. He and all other victims testify that these are very rich and influential people.
This is Richard Kerr from Ireland. He reports how he and other children were being abused in the Kincora Boy’s Home in Belfast (Ireland), then being brought to England where they were abused for many years by powerful people and politicians in the Dolphin Square (this is near the Houses of Parliament) and ElmGuest House (a brothel). He says that the abuse took place on a large-scale. His statements match with those of “Nick” who also testified that several children were killed in the most brutal manner. The police classified his witness report as “credible and true”.
This is Ronald Bernard from the Netherlands. As a successful entrepreneur and financial manager for many years, he had direct insight into the top level of the financial elite like hardly anyone else. He testified that after a certain time, powerful circles had requested him to sacrifice defenseless children in ritual masses to their "god" Lucifer (i.e. Satan), but he could not do that. According tohis statements, this Satan-Cult has been practicing such child sacrifices for thousands of years. It is a common and effective means to blackmail career-minded employees and make them compliant.
The former high-ranking US CIA agent Robert David Steele confirms this. He said, pedophilia is an inherent part of the illegitimate power elite. According to Steele, the participation in the abuse of children, often time including their sacrifice, serves as a kind of initiation and ritual into higher circles of power; the recorded atrocities serve as blackmail material.
Back to the Netherlands, this is Toos Nijenhuis. According to her statements, she was born into a family that practiced satanic ritual abuse. Toos was tortured in her genital area with electric shocks and had to watch as followers of the Satan-Cult sexually assaulted the dead. According to her accounts, these servants of Satan organized hunts in which Toos and other children were chased with dogs through dark forests, absolutely terrified of death. Quite a few children were killed after the hunt. Toos reported that Prince Bernard of the Netherlands and Cardinal Alfrink had been present during the hunts.
This is Fiona Barnett from Australia. She says that she was raped from the age of 6 by several politicians and other high Australian and American figures. Shenames Prime Minister at the time, Gough Whitlam, Attorney General LionelMurphy, Governor General John Kerr, later Prime Minister Bob Hawke, former U.S. President Richard Nixon and media mogul Ted Turner. She also witnessed ritual killings. She wrote a book about it titled, "Eyes Wide Open." Once Fiona made her experiences public, several hundreds of other victims contacted her.
Yes, I know – the media tell us that these people are lying, or that their memories are wrong and their therapists had talked them into it… I just wonder: did all these people in all these different countries make up the same lie?
Dr. Marcel Polte, a German lawyer dealt with the matter, raising the question as to why so few of these horrible crimes are made public and why are they hardly ever legally prosecuted. He has written several books on satanic cults and documented that the media run massive campaigns to ridicule the whole thing. They title these cases “Satanic Panic” and “False Memory Syndrome”. This means that the cruel incidents did not actually happen, but that the therapists only talked the abused victims into them, in other words, that they implanted false memories, so to speak. What is interesting is that the False Memory Syndrome Foundation was started by, amongst others, Ralph Underwager, a self-professing pedophile.
I would like to present a practical example of such a media campaign, so that you can imagine better what Dr. Polte meant. This is the cult expert Georg Otto Schmid who is right now, vehemently denying the existence of such a satanic cult in a documentary series by Swiss TV station, SRF, called "Satanic Panic". All this is supposedly a conspiracy theory.
Mr. Schmid works together with SRF journalist Robin Rehmann whom you can see here. He is just laughing about the fact that there are people who "believe" in ritual satanic abuse. Leading senior Physician Matthias Kollmann, in contrast, was fired following the broadcast, because he confirmed in his practice that there is organized, satanic-ritual abuse. Through lowest niveau journalism, all the witnesses and victims in this series are presented as unreliable.
This man as well: cult expert Hugo Stamm. In the same series - "Satanic Panic" -he is just explaining that none of this exists, that it is irrational and inconceivable. These traumatized women supposedly have false memories and so on.
It is very interesting that the same cult experts, together with the same SwissTV station, SRF, accuse my father, the preacher Ivo Sasek, for example, of being a dangerous and brutal cult leader. And by the way, I happen to know my father already for 34 years: he is love and kindness personified! A man who stands before God day and night. My parents who are both so badly slandered and criminalized, have moved 10's of thousands of people to goodness and reconciled them with God. They live an absolutely exemplary life and, along with Kla.TV, expose the crimes of the elite. They have treated drug addicts and mental health patients free of charge and have been serving thousands of people seeking help day and night for 45 years. To this day, they have always given everything they had for the needy of society. Plus all of their services and products are free of charge! Why does SRF and these cult experts have such a great interest in demonizing the most exemplary people and covering up perpetrators of the worst crimes? Countless fighters for truth from all over the world experience the same thing: they are slandered and criminalized by the media and their "experts", but the criminals escape, unscathed.
Incidentally, back to “sect expert”, Hugo Stamm: I had already sent him enough sources and witness statements long BEFORE his program with SRF. But, I never heard anything from him. I had personally sent him the following statements, for example.
This is Antje B. from Germany. She reports that she had to give birth to her baby without help. Then she was put into a robe and was forced to kill her baby while a rhythmic chanting was performed. The knife held in her hand was moved by the high priest. Afterwards she had to cut out the heart and everyone who stood around the altar, including herself, had to eat a piece of it.
In the same documentary by German TV station ARD "Höllenleben" [Life in Hell], Antje's sister Sandra R. was also interviewed about these satanic rituals. She had not seen her sister Antje for 10 years and described the same satanic rituals in great detail without any consultation and independently from her. She was forced to watch Antje deliver her baby unassisted and being forced to eat apiece of her own placenta. She had to watch the killing of Antje's baby as well.
Lisa* from Germany tells the same thing: she was impregnated by the satanists and after 3-4 months the birth was induced. When the child came out dead during the very painful birth, she had to bring it to the altar, although she was still heavily bleeding and could hardly walk. She then had to cut up the dead fetus there together with the high priest. Lisa also had to eat a piece of it and drink blood. These descriptions match the statements of many other victims down to the last detail. These people don’t know each other.
This is Janett Seemann from Germany who is researching missing children. She collaborates with the French activist Stan Maillaud. As early as 2008, she addressed a video message to Pope Benedict and one to former Chancellor Angela Merkel in which she indicated that countless children in Europe were missing. They were sold, abused, tortured and killed in a widespread pedo-criminal network. Seemann and Maillaud published a document on how child molester rings, child protection organizations, the police, the judiciary, and politics work together. They came to the scandalous conclusion that judiciary and politics protect child molestation rings! Seemann and Maillaud were persecuted, even imprisoned at times, and condemned on false charges. In addition, the slogan "The JanettSeemann Fake" was created, and Seemann was branded as a conspiracy theorist. Almost nothing can be found anymore about all their research, almost everything has been deleted, similarly to many other witnesses.
Now I will show you more testimonies of victims who describe the exact-same cruel things as the victims from France, England, USA, the Netherlands, etc.. Prepare yourself once more, as we have to look at these victims - contrary to the media and the courts, who are not doing it.
Now let’s go to the United States, where Alisha Owens also tells the exact same story... She says that she was ritually abused as a child and that she witnessed the most horrific mutilations. She was there when other children were tortured and killed. The remains were often eaten, the eyes being of particular importance. Alisha, too, was forced to eat from it. She says, these were satanic rituals through which those involved wanted to gain spiritual powers.
Audrey also tells the same story. She has been present at child sacrifices. She said that a woman in a black robe placed a live baby on an altar. A priest slit the baby's throat open, poured the blood in a chalice and drank it.
Heidemarie Cammans of “Sect-Info” Essen e.V., in Germany, explains why these child sacrifices are being carried out: "This is the satanic ceremony of the black mass. This ritual serves to worship Satan. Satan wants sacrifices, Satan wants blood sacrifices, Satan wants more and more blood sacrifices, and the best thing for Satan is a newborn child."
In a touching video from April 2, 2020, the well-known singer Xavier Naidoo, in tears calls viewers to confront this topic: "I just watched some stuff that has to do with adrenochrome - I was just weeping - it's so terrible, (crying)… As early as 2012, Xavier addressed with strong words the ritual abuse of children that is obviously being carried out in high social circles in the song titled "Where are they now?" The political and media persecution of the singer began immediately afterwards.
This is David Rodriguez, a US heavyweight boxer. “You understand that there are child sacrifices – where people actually drink adrenochrome, where they terrify the child so much and this is hard to swallow. This is hard to even grasp. It's actually an ancient ritual to specifically terrify children because they are more pure. […] They terrify them to the point where they cannot … where they are so scared and pumping out so much adrenaline, they are so terrified and then you finally kill them and drink their blood … This shit is real and I don’t tell conspiracy theories – I am not. I know people in this business who tell me that.”
The following quote from the well-known satanist Aleister Crowley, from his book, Magic in Theory and Praxis, band 4 page 87, also confirms this: “The bloody sacrifice has from time immemorial been the most considered part of Magick
. […] For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim. […] And for nearly all purposes, human sacrifice is the best.” – Aleister Crowley in Magick in Theory and Practice
I know this is hard stuff, but at this point, I’d like to quote Renate Rennebach, former member of the German Bundestag and founder of the "Foundation for Victims of Ritual Abuse", she says, I quote: "As long as society does not accept that it is the gentlemen in the white vests who are involved and that they have the network and we do not, nothing will change. ... But I think that if we all continue to work on it and make it public, the tide will turn." So, according to the words of this former member of the Bundestag, it is up to us -the people-that WE spread it to ALL our acquaintances - to get it out to the general public.
Let’s continue with a victim from the US, Brice Taylor. She also testified that she experienced sexual abuse from an early age on and was trained, under brutal torture, to become a sex slave for high-ranking individuals, especially for US politicians. She said that she had been abused, among others, by John F.Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. She also had to attend satanic masses and witnessed ceremonial murders and cannibalism.
Ted Gunderson who worked for 27 years in the US as an FBI special agent confirmed that the statements of the victims are true, including the statement of Brice Taylor that we just saw. He adds concerning these satanic sacrifices and abusive rituals: “I also have contacts withing the US intelligence community. I have information from various sources, that judges, law-enforcement prosecuters, attorneys, doctors and many many prominent individuals, including actors; actresses, professional football and baseball players are involved in these type of activites.”
This is Linda Wiegand. She reports that her 2 boys, Ben and Jon have become victims of satanic ritual violence. 25 people from the state attorney’s office have investigated and provided evidence of ritual abuse. But when Linda started to expose this, her house and car were confiscated, as well as her income and assets - everything she owned was taken away from her. Since then, she has been fighting for her children and has received letters from all across the USA, letters from people who are going through the same experience and are begging for help. She also reports on an 8-year-old boy who was crucified alive in a basement after being skinned. Original -tone : “When they torture the children, it causes a physical reaction of the endomorphins in their bodies to increase because of the terror and the pain. So when the Satanists drink the blood, they get a chemical high from the blood of a tortured victim. And this little boy, he was found in the basement, dead, with no blood, skinned alive and crucified.” This mother goes on to tell how she received no help from any authority, neither from the government nor from child protection organizations.
The exact same testimony is given by Ma. Phil. Andrea Sadegh, the mother of a victim from Austria, who is fighting for her boy who also became a victim of ritual violence. The judges suddenly had no time, she got turned down everywhere. However, she received the offer that her son could return to her only if she would keep her mouth shut. Her boy had recognized some of the perpetrators on photos, all of them from the Austrian Establishment. Andrea Sadegh has also come across a network of corrupt judges, doctors, psychologists who work for this group of perpetrators.
Dear viewers, the media keeps hammering the message into our minds over and over again that "ritual abuse does not exist", that's why I'm now going to bring in even more witnesses and victims. I want to get to the bottom of this question, of whether ritual abuse really doesn't exist. Be sure to stay tuned! -We will now have famous film and music stars speak out:
Mel Gibson is one of the most famous stars in Hollywood. In an inofficial statement, he described the elites of the entertaining industry as “enemies of mankind” who “feast on the blood of children. They eat their flesh. If the child suffered physically and mentally before dying, they believe that this will give them extra life force. They feast on the pain and fear, and the younger, the better.” Gibson explained how he was blacklisted by Hollywood oligarchs in2006 for speaking his mind about the industry. Since then, he has been working outside the "system”.
Lord of the Rings star Elijah Wood revealed that Hollywood has a major pedophilia problem. The famous actor Ricky Gervais also insulted the celebrity elite as pedophile at an awards gala.
Corey Feldman, a well-known US actor tells that he was abused in Hollywood for years. He says that he and his best friend, fellow child actor Corey Haim were abused when they were 14 years old and that the trauma of that abuse played a part in his friend's death. Quote: " I can tell you that the No. 1problem in Hollywood was, is and always will be pedophilia. That's the biggest problem for children in this industry."
This is Alison Carey, the sister of pop singer Mariah Carey. She explains that she was repeatedly sold by her mother for satanic ceremonies. There, she had to watch how children were not only sexually abused, but also tortured to death.
Isaac Kappy has spoken out about his rape by actor Tom Hanks, he has also accused director and screenwriter Steven Spielberg of molestation. He stated on record that he was not suicidal. Nevertheless, he was found dead and the authorities ruled that it was a suicide.
In this context, it is not surprising that in the famous Hollywood movie "TheShack", God appears to the father of a little child who has been abused to death and convinces him that he should forgive the perpetrator - 1000 times if necessary, until the pain drops, and that he shouldn’t just go and sit on the judge’s seat, because everything is much more difficult than he thinks. When asked about the wrath of God, God only laughs, because this would not exist. At this point, I have to refer to the Bible where I have read in 31 places that it is an abomination to God when children are killed and sacrificed, that it calls his greatest wrath onto the scene and that he has always put PEOPLE like YOU and ME on the judge’s chair to deal with this... Back to our stars from the music and movie business, who by the way love to be photographed with satanic identification symbols:
Chris Cornell of AudioSlave and Soundgarden, as well as Chester Bennington ofLinkin-Park tried to expose these crimes and both allegedly committed suicide. Dead witnesses and mysterious deaths among "Satan cult" dropouts appear to be a common thread in the witness reports related to this satanic cult...
This was Jean-Marc Houdmont, one of at least 27 dead witnesses who were involved in the abuse case surrounding Belgian Marc Dutroux. Routmont was a filmmaker and dealt in porns. One day he called the police because he wanted to testify; on his way to the police, he crashed his car into the wall of a house. Interestingly, the documentary about these mysterious 27 dead eyewitnesses on the German television station ZDF has been completely deleted on YouTube. Same for many other witness statements. Kla.TV, saved them though, in its private archives many years ago. Download this video absolutely, onto your own computer and spread it. Also the text with all the sources can be downloaded with one click, below the video. Incidentally, this broadcast is the result of 10years of intensive research. This is Liz Crokin, a US journalist. She said that people who blow the whistle on elite pedophiles often die mysteriously. So did sex offender Jeffrey Epstein who was involved in a prominent sex trafficking ring. According to Crokin, there were probably 50 very important people who might have had a motive to kill Epstein as they were in big trouble because of him. Epstein had hosted some of the highest level, most famous, and most powerful people in the world and had videotaped their activities. According to her statements, members of the royal family, Prince Andrew, models like Naomi Campbell, famous actors like KevinSpacey, and politicians like Bill and Hillary Clinton were involved....
Mandy Kopp testified that as a girl, she was held captive in a minors’ brothel in Germany where she was raped and abused by judges, lawyers and real estate agents. According to her statements, the purpose was to put pressure on political decision-makers. The then Saxon minister of the Interior, de Maizière, obstructed the investigation and eventually stopped it completely. He was then promoted to the office of the German Federal Minister of the Interior. MandyKopp reported two high-ranking lawyers as abusers and was subsequently sued by these lawyers for defamation.
This is Cathy O'Brien from the USA. In her book "Trance Formation of America", the author describes how she and her daughter were abhorrently sexually abused as minors by US politicians elite such as Ford, Reagan, Bush, Cheney, and the Clintons. Through the details published in her book, she hoped to bring criminal prosecution against her tormentors - but in vain. Despite ample evidence, cases were dropped for reasons of "national security".
Let’s jump to Belgium. According to her testimony, Anneke Lucas was sold as a6-year-old into a satanic network that included very rich people who like to kill children. After years of abuse, she was strapped to a butcher block at age 11that was stained with the blood of all the children sacrificed on that block before her. She survived because a member of the satanic cult took pity on her and freed her. Her rescuer had to pay for that with his life. It is noteworthy that the media picks on absolutely harmless Christian groups when they merely do not want to have contact with dropouts (or "people who’ve fallen away from God") – yes, this is downright criminalized and demonized ...Let’s listen now to how the “Blood-cult” deals with dropouts:
Quote: «There was a dropout, he was killed, skinned and thrown into a swamp”. “Did you see that?” “Yes, yes.” Jon Wedger is a former Scotland Yard officer who during his tenure, discovered organized pedophilia in at least 34 cases in England. These were not isolated cases, but the examples piled up. "The one thing that kept cropping up was satanic, ritual abuse (50:53min)" He was threatened, they tried several times to jail him and take away his children, he didn't get paid for three years and almost lost his income. In spite of this, he continued his investigation, which uncovered a pedo-criminal network that also involved popular BBC presenter Jimmy Savile. However, these investigations had no legal consequences for Jimmy Savile, despite all the proven outrages. The BBC covered him up and he was even knighted by Queen Elizabeth.
This is Paul Bonacci from the USA. In addition to countless cruel descriptions ofsatanic ritual abuse, he spoke about the sacrifice of a boy. They were all chanting at the annual ritual around the time of Christ's birth to pervert the blood of Christ. According to Paul, hey slashed the boy open with daggers, filled a cup with his blood, mixed urine in it, and forced him and others to drink from the cup, chanting "Satan is Lord, Lucifer our king. Kingdom of darkness come now and empower us your slaves.” Then they all began to chant some weird sounds and Paul got scared. He was threatened he’d become the next victim if he told anyone about it.
John Ramirez was a convinced satanist for many years. He tells about satanist murders, rituals and terrible things. He says that many people do not believe that the devil really exists, but Ramirez has had experiences with dark forces, against which he strongly warns. Satan is real, he says, and his power is destructive. Halloween, according to Ramirez, is not a harmless scary holiday, but among satanists and in witch circles, Halloween is still the supreme holiday, a celebration of horror and death. According to him, most children disappear during this time of year.
This is Kevin Annett from Canada, former minister in the United Church of Canada. People of indigenous descent showed him mass graves of indigenous children who had died in church homes. Witnesses testified that abuse and sacrifice had taken place. High-ranking individuals, such as Stephen Harper, (2006 to 2015 Prime Minister of Canada) Pope Benedict XVI, Queen Elizabeth and many more were involved. In this case too, witnesses died after testifying. You find the list of the prominent people involved in the source credits.
Incidentally, you can find all the detailed information on each single witness statement and on all the victims mentioned in the source credits or under this broadcast. I recommend, though, not to study all of them in-depth, because it is simply infinitely cruel. Be sure, however, to spread this video to all your contacts! Make sure to download this film (with the download function below the broadcast), because I don’t know how long this video will be online – take the time just now - it should be known everywhere this Halloween!
In order to keep this broadcast from getting too long, I won’t go into all the outrageous statistics about the mass disappearances of children around the world. Many of them disappear into pedo-criminal networks. But it will be enough for today to hear victims and witnesses. Please continue watching and stay with it:
Republican politician John Decamp from the USA wrote a book about the so-called Franklin Cover-up abuse case, in which high-ranking politicians and other important public figures abused children. It was proven that 76 children were victims of this sex ring - without dark figures. Children were killed in the cruelest ways in front of running cameras. The videos were then sold for huge amounts. Amongst other things, it was about making politicians vulnerable to blackmail. According to witness statements, the case involved former USpresidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, ex-CIA director William E. Colby, and Warren Buffet, one of America's richest people. Before John Decamp could bust the child molester ring, he was killed in a plane crash. Gary Caradori, a private detective trying to uncover the Franklin scandal also died in a plane crash!
The Polish filmmaker Patryk Vega conducted interviews for his movie "Eyes of The Devil", with a child trafficker. He reported that the abuse took place in isolated buildings, that the "customers" were very rich and that the children, who are often only 3 or 4 years old, do not usually survive the severe injuries and damage caused by the abuse. After the death of the children, medical teams would be on hand to remove the organs. One could earn horrendous sums with the organs. When asked what kind of people abuse the children to death, the child trafficker reported that these people often adhere to a satanic ideology.
I feel sick to the stomach... We are now coming to the end of the tour, I’ve only barely scratched the surface. What needs to be done now? What is our part in this issue? A victim from Germany recently wrote me a letter concerning this question. She wrote about the same atrocities she experienced like all these others did. I felt nauseous as I read the letter. But then she really begged me to expose it, because life AFTER THIS is hell, she said.
Victim Nicki testifies to the same thing on camera, because the physical and mental damages can hardly be described.
It’s not life anymore, one never gets over it any- more, unless it comes out in the LIGHT - publicly! EVERY one of us is needed for this! The author of the letter also says that she was threatened again and again with a knife and had to swear that she would never say anything about it to anybody, otherwise she would also be killed. With this, I would like to draw your attention, dear viewers, to the fact that each of these victims and witnesses paid a great price to speak out and expose these deeds on camera. So, be sure to share this film with everyone you know, for the sake of these children, for the sake of the victims who have not yet received justice.
Now, on behalf of all the other victims, the victim Katie Groves asks us tour gently DISTRIBUTE this broadcast: "I witnessed 1000s of murders (...) by the government of the United States. (...) I weep for my brothers and sisters in this place, for those who undoubtedly live there and still suffer. (...) They are children after all, and please consider, understand that they are children who have to survive there every day. Children who, between dying here and surviving there, have to bear all the pain alone. And if the children can gather this strength, then perhaps you also have the strength to look. I ask you to look and interfere in some way and stop the evil. (...) Hopefully, at some point, this collective spirit will be strong enough to fight this evil at its root, go to the barricades and save the majority of the victims from these child molesters who can't get out of there on their own. Thankyou."
I would now like to tie the bag together with a statement from the famous and influential British journalist and author, David Icke. He has investigated this satanic cult and its crimes for decades and interviewed many victims. Now it's time for the final - please stay with us till the end. I will read from his book "the biggest secret":
“Satanic ritual abuse is a global network, another pyramid of interconnecting groups, with the high and mighty of society among their numbers, top politicians, government officials, bankers, business leaders, lawyers, judges, doctors, coroners, publishers, editors and journalists. All the people you need, in fact, to carry out and cover up your rituals and crimes against humanity. It is not that researchers see Satanists everywhere. The ratio of them in leading positions is very high because that’s the way it is meant to be. The Satanic networks control the system and so they ensure that there is a far, far, higher ratio of Satanists in positions of power than there are in the general population. The higher you go up the pyramids, the more Satanists you find. Most of the non-Satanists are filtered out before they reach those levels. The result of all this for the children involved is beyond the imagination of anyone who has not experienced the level of trauma that they must suffer. What the victims have told me would be almost unbelievable were it not coming from so many different, unconnected sources and were not the stories across the world not telling the same basic tale, even down to the details of the rituals and the mind programming techniques. The children, and the traumatized adults they become, have nowhere to turn. Their stories are so astonishing that few believe them and they are frightened of going to the police because they know that the Satanic network includes top police officers, judges, civil servants, media people, politicians, and many others who control our ‘free’ society.”
This was David Icke. That’s why it needs you and me, dear viewers, to make these victims and witnesses heard. // David Icke is an expert concerning this blood cult and he stretches the arc even further and gives an explanation on why it is actually possible that there can be WAR in the year 2022. Where people, who were sending emojis to one another just a moment before, now have to shoot at each other...
David Icke: “In the same way, a war to these people is a mass blood ritual in which unimaginable numbers are killed and maimed, and the planet is engulfed by negative emotional energy.” This was confirmed by the influencial Satanist, Aleister Crowley. In the fourth volume of his book series “Magick in Theory and Practice, he illustrates how the whole planet has to be bathed in blood. This great war has to be carried out, because it is a magic operation of great importance...” In closing, David Icke commented about this: It is this energy that this satanic cult needs to “feed” on it. //
This sounds crazy, but we have to take these words to heart for once. Watch my father’s speech: "Psychozyme Dimensions" for a follow-up broadcast. It could clarify quite a few questions. Share this broadcast with everyone you know, download and save it on your computer! It’s up to YOU now.

from is, kno
Sources: „The Blood Cult: 27 Victims + 27 Witnesses“

Satanist Aleister Crowleys Anleitung zu magischen Ritualen und

Satanist Aleister Crowley erklärt energetische Bedeutung von

Ritueller Missbrauch in Frankreich - Berichte von Opfern

Teresa schildert ihre Qualen im satanischen Kult

Sexzwang - Fakten zu Pornografie und Sexzwang





Wie sadistisch Kinderschänder sind



Höllenleben Teil 2 komplett:

Interview über satanische Gewalttaten an Kindern in Hampstead

Satanische Praktiken in Kirche in Hampstead - Teile 1 und 2

Quelle von anderem Videoportal über satanische Verbechen in Hampstead und

BBC stellt Anführer des Satanskultes in Hampstead als unschuldig dar

Medizinischer Bericht über Missbrauchsschäden an den Kindern von Hampstead

Mutter berichtet über satanischen Missbrauch ihrer Kinder in Hampstead

Kincora: The heart of darkness – Kindesmissbrauch in elitären Kreisen in England

Staatliche Vertuschung: Kindesmissbrauch – Kinderfolter – Kindermorde durch Politiker und Geheimdienstler!

Mögliche Morde eines Pädophilen-Rings bedeutender Personen

Kindermord im Beisein „mächtiger Männer“?

Britisches Establishment unter Generalverdacht, seit Jahrzehnten Pädophile gedeckt zu haben.

Satanistische Praktiken in Nebraska

Franklin Cover up: Dokumentation über pädophile Aktionen bis in höchste Gesellschaftskreise

Mordserie in South Australia und Morde in Nebraska

Der Franklin-Kinderschänderskandal und die Lehren

Film: Die Franklin Vertuschung - Verschwörung des Schweigens
(Deutsch untertitelt von Conspiracy Facts, orig.: The Franklin Cover-Up / Conspiracy of Silence)

Franklin Cover Up & Snowtown Murders

Ex-CIA sagt aus über Kindesmissbrauch und -folter und Adrenochrom
Vorsicht! Sehr verstörende Bilder!

The Steele Report

Was Adrenochrom ist

Kinderopferungen und -handel in Holland

Der bekannte Schwergewichtsboxer David Rodriguez berichtet über Pädophilenringe in Hollywood

Dutroux und die toten Zeugen

Der Fall Marc Dutroux: Der Mittäter Bernhard Weinstein, gewisse Zeugenaussagen und die satanischen Hintergründe

Fiona Barnett - Satanic Ritual

Fiona Barnetts Aussagen als Opfer satanisch rituellen Missbrauchs und und und

Satanisch rituell missbrauchte Opfer in Deutschland kommen zu Wort

Kinderschänder aus höchsten Kreisen - Interview mit Sachsensumpf Opfer Mandy Koppänder-aus-höchsten-Kreisen---Interview-mit-Sachsensumpf-Opfer-Mandy-Kopp:f

Brice Taylor’s Buch über Mind Control mit vielen Einzelheiten

Brice Taylor berichtet über ihren Missbrauch, Folter und psych. Programmierung

Cathy O’Brian berichtet über ihr Leben als Sexsklavin und Mind-Control-Opfer

Belgien: Anneke Lucas - verkauft an ein mörderisches Pädophilen-Netzwerk (Deutsche Untertitel)

MK-Ultra: Programm zum Kindermissbrauch
Ex Scotland Yard Beamter & WHISTLEBLOWER Jon Wegder berichtet über Kindesmissbrauch - Teil 1 DEUTSCH

Ex-Satan-Anbeter ‚John Ramirez‘ enthüllt die Wahrheit ... (USA)

John Ramirez berichtet über seine Erlebnisse bei satanischen Handlungen

Ex-Elite-Banker hörte mit den satanischen Handlungen auf und wurde Whistleblower

Zeuge sagt aus über Kinderopferungen

Mel Gibson berichtet über die pädophile Elite Hollywoods

Massengräber für Kinder in Kanada - dokumentierte Beweise

Bericht über die Schikanierung des Pastors Kevin Annett, der den geheimen Verkauf von indigenem Land und Morde durch die United Church of Canada an Indigenen aufgedeckt hatte.

Wer ist Kevin Annett?
Ein Blick auf den Mann, der hinter der weltweiten Bewegung zur Beendigung von Kinderfolter und Kinderhandel steht und völkermordende Kirchen und Regierungen entlarvt.

ITCCS – von Kevin Annett gegründeter internationaler Volksgerichtshof

Was in aller Welt ist passiert? - Teil 7/13 – Über die Clintons, John Podesta, Obama, Korruption, Pizzagate – das Code-Wort für Kindsmissbrauch

Jo Conrad – Prominente Täter: Grausige Rituale

False Memory Bewegung und ihr täterlobbyistischer Hintergrund

Perverse Gewalt gegen Kinder – ein dunkles Geheimnis der Oberschicht

Katie Groves: Ein Opfer erzählt über satanisch-rituellen Missbrauch

Schockierende Doku über Babys, die gekauft, missbraucht, zerfetzt, getötet werden

Schreckliche Enthüllung von Babyhandel – Neugeborene Babys werden ihren Müttern entrissen und verkauft, auch für den Organhandel

Der „Held“ der Nation – ein Monster: Das war Jimmy Savile
Dokumentation über das Leben des BBC-Moderators, der Hunderte von Kindern sexuell missbrauchte

Überlebende von satanischem Missbrauch berichtet über die königliche Familie, den Premierminister und Jimmy Savile

Savile missbrauchte ein sterbendes Kind

Die Abgründe des Jimmy Savile – Belästigung, Missbrauch, Leichenschändung

Jimmy Savile wird von Queen Elizabeth zum Ritter geschlagen, um alle Royals mit Kindern zu versorgen

Jimmy Savile und der Neunte Zirkel

Höllenleben - Ritueller Missbrauch in Deutschland Teil 2/2

Janett Seemann: Öffentlicher Video Brief an Angela Merkel

Janett Seemann: Öffentlicher Video-Brief an Papst Benedikt XVI.

Die Rückkehr von Janett Seemann & Stan Maillaud – Dokumentation

Kein Einzeltäter

Die Justiz und ihre Opfer

Oberarzt wird entlassen nachdem er rituellen Missbrauch vor SRF bezeugt

David Icke schreibt über satanische Blutlinien, die die Welt beherrschen:
Das größte Geheimnis - Teil 1

Das größte Geheimnis - Teil 2

Lifting the Veil: Eine investigative Geschichte der Pathokratie der Vereinigten Staaten
(Gesamtes Dokument englischsprachig, deutsche Übersetzung kann auf der Internetseite aktiviert werden)

Lifting the Veil – Kapitel über Pädokriminalität

Lifting the Veil – Kapitel über Kulte und Kindsmissbrauch

Vermisste Kinder + Inobhutnahmen

Traktat zum Thema «Halloween» von der Stiftung Marburger Medien,
Friedrich-Naumann-Straße 15, 35037 Marburg

Liste von 56 Büchern über Satanismus, satanische Sekten, satanisch-rituellen Missbrauch und Opferungen und über daraus resultierende psychische Erkrankungen wie dissoziative Störungen.
Dies ist nur ein Bruchteil der existierenden Bücher über diese Thematik!

Guido Grandt: Hardcore-Kinder-Satanismus Band 1

Guido Grandt: Hardcore-Kinder-Satanismus Band 2ädo-Satanisten/dp/B09XZBXZ69/ref=pd_bxgy_sccl_1/262-0036507-5093848?pd_rd_w=IEu3X&content-id=amzn1.sym.d73f5cbf-8a37-4392-ae93-64a1b1ea1887&pf_rd_p=d73f5cbf-8a37-4392-ae93-64a1b1ea1887&pf_rd_r=0JJXA5W9TCVPEPQDWG1D&pd_rd_wg=RCal6&pd_rd_r=f131cdc9-737e-4468-9d39-ab094d088a81&pd_rd_i=B09XZBXZ69&psc=1

Guido Grandt: Hardcore-Kinder-Satanismus Band 3ädokriminalität-Opferbeschaffung-Kinderbordelle/dp/B0B28N7PFC/ref=zg_bs_16153910031_90/262-7573064-5345230?pd_rd_i=B0B28N7PFC&psc=1

Guido Grandt: OKKULT-MORDE: Tod in Teufels Namen - Fakten & Hintergründeünde/dp/3748513119/ref=pd_bxgy_sccl_2/262-0036507-5093848?pd_rd_w=o4msS&content-id=amzn1.sym.d73f5cbf-8a37-4392-ae93-64a1b1ea1887&pf_rd_p=d73f5cbf-8a37-4392-ae93-64a1b1ea1887&pf_rd_r=H2NB6ER6DJFB8CTFF79H&pd_rd_wg=loIPl&pd_rd_r=bc0bbecc-6430-463f-af85-9d16b4e6d3c4&pd_rd_i=3748513119&psc=1

Guido Grandt Sodom Satanas Buch 1 & 2: Die Politik der Perversion

Helen Lindstrom u. Jutta Sniehota: Abwegig – Überleben und Therapie bei ritueller Gewalt.Überleben-Therapie-ritueller-Gewalt/dp/3893346015/ref=pd_bxgy_img_sccl_1/262-0036507-5093848?pd_rd_w=7ruvC&content-id=amzn1.sym.d73f5cbf-8a37-4392-ae93-64a1b1ea1887&pf_rd_p=d73f5cbf-8a37-4392-ae93-64a1b1ea1887&pf_rd_r=5KW7W8V95Y4HZR13BR7A&pd_rd_wg=anIhT&pd_rd_r=7be344d0-82e8-4d03-ae98-f114a812b5fe&pd_rd_i=3893346015&psc=1

Alison Miller: Werde, wer Du wirklich bist.: Mind Control und Rituelle Gewalt überwinden.überwinden/dp/3893345973/ref=pd_bxgy_img_sccl_1/262-0036507-5093848?pd_rd_w=1qGZL&content-id=amzn1.sym.d73f5cbf-8a37-4392-ae93-64a1b1ea1887&pf_rd_p=d73f5cbf-8a37-4392-ae93-64a1b1ea1887&pf_rd_r=JJBCM5RESRJ3B8RQK2ZS&pd_rd_wg=emGzf&pd_rd_r=07fc4bbb-1082-4ffb-ab3f-d8ab66eba027&pd_rd_i=3893345973&psc=1

Gaby Breitenbach: Innenansichten dissoziierter Welten extremer Gewalt.: Ware Mensch – Die planvolle Spaltung der Persönlichkeit

Claudia Fliß: Handbuch Rituelle Gewalt: Erkennen - Hilfe für Betroffene - Interdisziplinäre Kooperationäre-Kooperation/dp/3899676440/ref=d_pd_sbs_sccl_2_4/262-0036507-5093848?pd_rd_w=DzZEd&content-id=amzn1.sym.09b7bce3-f36e-492f-980e-2579aa6b2127&pf_rd_p=09b7bce3-f36e-492f-980e-2579aa6b2127&pf_rd_r=BR0X9VV73295255AYD4S&pd_rd_wg=UWh9h&pd_rd_r=d85626da-7eca-463f-8f50-b0dd1f52604e&pd_rd_i=3899676440&psc=1

Michaela Huber: Viele sein - ein Handbuch: Komplextrauma und dissoziative Identität – verstehen, verändern, behandelnät/dp/3873877821/ref=d_pd_sbs_sccl_2_5/262-0036507-5093848?pd_rd_w=DzZEd&content-id=amzn1.sym.09b7bce3-f36e-492f-980e-2579aa6b2127&pf_rd_p=09b7bce3-f36e-492f-980e-2579aa6b2127&pf_rd_r=BR0X9VV73295255AYD4S&pd_rd_wg=UWh9h&pd_rd_r=d85626da-7eca-463f-8f50-b0dd1f52604e&pd_rd_i=3873877821&psc=1

Michaela Huber: Multiple Persönlichkeiten: Seelische Zersplitterung nach Gewaltönlichkeiten-Seelische-Zersplitterung-Gewalt/dp/3873876450

Chantal Frei ICH REDE!: Mein Leben und Ausstieg aus satanisch ritueller Gewalt

Alison Miller: Jenseits des Vorstellbaren: Therapie bei Ritueller Gewalt und Mind Control

Cathy o`Brien Die TranceFormation Amerikas: Die wahre Lebensgeschichte einer CIA-Sklavin unter Mind-Control

Nicolas Pravda: Illuminatenblut: Die okkulten Rituale der Elite

Marcel Polte: Dunkle Neue Weltordnung Teil 1: MKULTRA Mind Control, rituelle Gewalt und eine globale Agenda
polte&qid=1664568131&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIyLjY4IiwicXNhIjoiMi43MCIsInFzcCI6IjIuNTYifQ==&s=books&sprefix=marcel polte,stripbooks,112&sr=1-1

John W. Decamp The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in NebraskaÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=85C91DUFT596&keywords=franklin
cover up&qid=1664568717&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjAwIiwicXNhIjoiMC4wMCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ==&s=books&sprefix=franklin cover up,stripbooks,104&sr=1-1

David Icke: Das Größte Geheimnis: Dieses Buch verändert die Welt Teil 1ößte-Geheimnis-Dieses-verändert/dp/3928963171/ref=sr_1_1?crid=K902UCWE850E&keywords=david
icke das größte geheimnis&qid=1664568308&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjUwIiwicXNhIjoiMC44NyIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ==&s=books&sprefix=david icke,stripbooks,106&sr=1-1

Das Größte Geheimnis: Dieses Buch verändert die Welt Teil 2ößte-Geheimnis-Teil-2/dp/3928963104/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=EVAZJG0BFHT7&keywords=david
icke das größte geheimnis teil 2&qid=1664568650&s=books&sprefix=david icke das größte geheimnis teil 2,stripbooks,97&sr=1-1

Nicolas Pravda Der Hollywood Code

Ulla Fröhling Vater unser in der Hölleölle-Missbrauch-satanistischen/dp/3404616251

Sandra Rasch: Bevor Du aufgibst – Heilung von rituellem Missbrauch…

Arbeitskreis rituelle Gewalt, Brigitte Hahn: Rituelle Gewalt – das (Un)heimliche unter uns

Matthias Katsch: Damit es aufhört: Vom befreienden Kampf der Opfer sexueller Gewalt in der Kirche
es aufhört&i=stripbooks&__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=1ICOCVOAK2KNY&sprefix=damit es aufhört,stripbooks,248&ref=nb_sb_noss

Robin de Ruiter: Die 13 satanischen Blutlinien – Quadrilogie: Der globale Zusammenbruch des gegenwärtigen Weltsystems steht unmittelbar bevor / Die Ursache vielen Elends und Übels auf Erden / Der Antichrist / Trostärtigen/dp/9079680516/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2KWQY1KK60Q7C&keywords=fritz
springmeier&qid=1665480293&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIyLjkzIiwicXNhIjoiMi41OCIsInFzcCI6IjEuODkifQ==&s=books&sprefix=fritz spri,stripbooks,624&sr=1-1

Noreen N. Gosch: Why Johnny can´t come home

Ted L. Gunderson: Corruption: The Satanic Drug Cult Network and Missing Children

Dee Brown: Satanic Ritual Abuse: A Therapist's Handbook

Gail Carr Feldmann: Lessons in Evil, Lessons from the Light: A True Story of Satanic Abuse and Spiritual Healing

Shawn Carlson: Satanism in America: Final report for the Committee for Scientific Examination of Religion

David K. Sakheim u. Susane Devine : Out of Darkness: Exploring Satanism and Ritual Abuse
of the darkness exploring satanism&qid=1595786692&sr=8-1

Adah Sachs u. Graeme Galton: Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Jerry Johnston: The Edge of Evil: The Rise of Satanism in North America

Larry Kahaner: Cults That Kill: Probing the Underworld of Occult Crime

Michael D. Langone u. Linda O. Blood: Satanism and Occult-Related Violence: What you should know

Michael D. Langone: Recovery from Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse

Craig Lockwood: Other Altars: Roots and Realities of Cultic and Satanic Ritual Abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder

Robert S. Mayer: Satan's Children: Shocking True Accounts of Satanism, Abuse, and Multiple Personality

Michael Newton: Raising Hell: An Encyclopedia of Devil Worship and Satanic Crime

Oke Isaiah: Blood Secrets: The True Story of Demon Worship and Ceremonial Murder First

Meridee Reynolds: The Reality - The Truth about Satanic/Ritualistic abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder

Harvey L. Schwartz: The Alchemy of Wolves and Sheep: A Relational Approach to Internalized Perpetration in Complex Trauma Survivors

Robert Scaer: The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma, Dissociation, and Disease

Daniel Ryder u. Jane T. Noland: Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse: Recognizing and Recovering from the Hidden Trauma

Jeanne Marie Lorena u. Paula Levy: Breaking Ritual Silence: An Anthology of Ritual Abuse Survivors' Stories

James Randall Noblitt u. Pamela Perskin Noblitt: Cult and Ritual Abuse: Narratives, Evidence, and Healing Approaches

David Talbot: The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government

Harvey L. Schwartz: Dialogues With Forgotten Voices: Relational Perspectives On Child Abuse Trauma And The Treatment Of Severe Dissociative Disorders

Paul F. Dell u. John A. O´Neil: Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders: DSM-V and Beyond

Jeanne Adams: Drawn Swords: My Victory over Childhood Ritual Abuse

Wendy Hoffman: The Enslaved Queen: A Memoir About Electricity and Mind Control

Adah Sachs u. Graeme Galton: Forensic Aspects of Dissociative Identity Disorder

Nick Bryant: The Franklin Scandal: A Story of Powerbrokers, Child Abuse & Betrayal

Wendy Hoffman u. Alison Miller: From the Trenches: A Victim and Therapist Talk About Mind Control and Ritual Abuse

Wendy Hoffman: A Brain Of My Own: A Memoir About Dissociation Dissolved

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