Corona confusion? 8 clarifying questions (by Ivo Sasek)

1 year ago

Once again, I am speaking to all of you out there, wherever you are, in all countries, although I have to focus on us Swiss first now. Of course, it is once again about Covid. About the Covid restriction tightening, to be more precise.

There are just eight days left for us Swiss, then it will become clear whether we were able to successfully defend our freedom in Switzerland, or whether more of our extensive rights and freedoms will be sacrificed on the altar of insidious lying propaganda. In any case, we at Kla.TV thank all the truth-loving people out there in the world, for whom no effort and no sacrifice have been too great so far! Who have braved the storm waves of, shall I say, this inconceivable tide of censorship and corruption.

Millions of you have now, for many months, in the most exemplary self-control and love, I would like to call it, incessantly demanded public dialogue. However, the mass media again preferred - instead of fulfilling their duty of just reporting - to denigrate you as covidiots, as enemies of democracy, conspiracy theorists, hate propagandists, and so on. But you have successfully withstood to this day! You’ve withstood this incessant provocation to division and civil war - I think to deliberate civil war. Really a bravo, bravo! Something like this, I think, has never happened before in the history of mankind - at least not in such a world-wide way. And exactly this fact points to the justified hope that a more just and better world is actually on the verge of dawning. Because, exactly you are this new world, becoming visible exactly here! You are the steadfast warning criers in love! Where has there ever been anything like this - worldwide!? You cannot stop, because you have heard the suppressed counter voices of the highest-ranking circles of experts and simply cannot allow that these are continually withheld from the broad public. Yes, you cannot keep silent after hearing the highest-ranking experts - professors - who testify and have testified to worldwide mass murder and more regarding the whole Covid vaccination story.

I have to be brief today. That's why I'm once again presenting a few striking arguments or questions that you can pass on to all those who still can't understand why you, too, are so persistent on this issue.

This is a good opportunity, especially for us Swiss, to get our still hesitant friends and relatives to think about this. And perhaps we can win them over at the last minute to put a clear NO into the ballot box on November 28th. Confront them, for example, with questions like this. I’ve presented 8 questions for you here to convince them.

1)Why do we never remember that 96% of people with covid-19 did not need to be hospitalized? 96 %!
What kind of plague is that!

2) Why are we stirring up fears about the danger of hospital overcrowding when beds in intensive care units have been reduced by 45% in 18 months? Let me remind you of this bed-count fraud.

3) Why declare that health certification of health (green-pass etc.) is the only valid public health measure when Nordic countries have been able to prove the exact opposite by lifting all restrictions?

4) Why is the vaccination certificate issued unconditionally to vaccinated people, even though when infected they spread the virus just as unvaccinated infected people?

5) Why would one want to vaccinate the entire population if herd immunity for the prevailing so-called delta variant cannot even be achieved by vaccination?

6) Why should we vaccinate children who have been declared not at risk? Shouldn't the precautionary principle, respect for their physical integrity - which, by the way, is guaranteed in the Constitution - take precedence?

7.) Why should the health passport be mandatory in higher education and these young people be disadvantaged in education, even though this population group is not really at risk? We’ve heard, this for long enough.

8.) Why should we continue to wear these reportedly dangerous face masks, while various independent investigative commissions have iron-clad proof that the entire Covid pandemic is one big world fraud? Just look at the program of November 18, 2021 with Professor Sucharit Bhakdi. It’s very revealing. Kla.TV has provided dozens of such lines of evidence under (the hashtag) #Coronavirus-en.

With regard to face masks, Professor Michael Braungart, the scientific director of the Hamburg Environmental Institute, warned us a long time ago. I would like to quote him so that this is also called to memory again. I quote him:

“What we're putting over our mouths and noses is actually hazardous waste!"

And then he went on to explain what form this hazardous waste is in the mask:
thermoplastic: polypropylene
adhesives, binders, antioxidants, UV stabilizers, volatile organic hydrocarbons (and in the certified masks, mind you),
large quantities of formaldehyde or aniline. Then this professor goes on to say, "All in all, we are carrying a chemical cocktail in front of our nose and mouth that has never been tested for its toxicity and never for any long-term effects. And because the chemicals alone don't seem to be enough," - and here he becomes almost cynical, do you hear this? "we also inhale microfiber particles that are just the right size to lodge in our lungs or travel from there further through the body." End quote.
So compulsory masks, together with the CO2 emissions from our breath, are legally prescribed, pure poison in the face! So we say: Stop it! Stop this!
Apropos stopping - I have to end. But, a final word about the cost of these masks - again as a reminder: After all, our politicians in all countries have bought such masks for many billions of Euros - not infrequently from their colleagues, you understand? We’ve been told that the government bought them. But nobody else than we ourselves - you me, we ourselves - have bought them, and to be exact, with our tax money! Let us never forget that!
But now listen to what our good government is doing. After our public servants bought all these masks with our money, they then sold them back to us ... isn't that wonderful? Do you understand: first they make us pay for these masks and then they sell them back to us. When are we really going to wake up...all of us together? And the profits are always taken by those completely private big businessmen, who then whip this whole pandemic on and on via their political and media networks - they want to earn money - because they bought the media sovereignty with their horrendous profits, they could do all this.

You see! On November 28th we, the Swiss, can really put a stop to this corrupt rampage by our clear "No" to the tightening of the Covid law. This is not yet the final victory, but it is an important step.
Worldwide, on the other hand, there can ultimately only be one real solution to the whole Plandemic problem. What is it? We have to bring about a democratic decision on a worldwide level:

A clear "no" to the profit maximization of trillion-dollar pharmaceutical and financial mafias that mercilessly profit from our plights again and again - and only for themselves. For the expansion of their power and profits they have now gone long enough, I would say, over mountains of dead bodies. A worldwide NO to all their continuous lying propaganda, as it has already been exposed ten thousands of times, is now necessary. We shall demand their scammed profits from them as compensation for the caused worldwide damage - as peoples united, democratically! Thus speaks the united democratic people!

By the way: Below in the broadcast text you will find a link with further explosive facts and figures - please download it, spread it, as I always say, as far as you can. Use the time while you can, because the game being played here is neither about our health nor only about a financial crisis. Behind these two components are the slave-drivers whips with which all peoples of this earth are to be driven into a one-world dictatorship, into total surveillance. A total surveillance that even Orwell and Huxley have massively underestimated.
That’s all for today. I’m Ivo Sasek, who’s been standing before God for 44 years.

from is.
Bürgerinformation zur Abstimmung vom 28.11.21 über die Änderungen des Gesetzes Covid-19

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