111th anniversary of the Titanic attack - Rethink your world view!

1 year ago

111 years ago, the passenger ship Titanic, the largest ship at the time, sank on its maiden voyage after colliding with an iceberg. 1,514 of the more than 2,200 people on board lost their lives. Because of the large number of victims, the sinking of the Titanic is one of the greatest and best-known maritime disasters. To this day, literature, visual arts, film and television all over the world deal with the events of its sinking. And also to this day there is a general belief worldwide that the sinking of the Titanic was an accident and a mix of negative factors.
But how certain are the "facts" that seem to speak clearly for an accident? And would you vouch for this version? Only because worldwide and for over 100 years in literature, film, radio and television this cause alone for the sinking has been proclaimed as official version and is repeated constantly? We definitely have to think about these questions.

Because meticulous forensic experts and astute analysts claim and present their proofs that the Titanic shipwreck was an attack prepared long in advance. In his book "Das Titanic Attentat" (The Attack on the Titanic), the investigative journalist Gerhard Wisnewski has summarized in 430 pages such facts, circumstances, witness statements etc. which clearly speak for a deliberate sinking. Wisnewski also explains against whom this attack was directed. It was a terror attack against all of mankind. Now you may surprisingly think that 1,514 ship deaths are very regrettable, but the whole of mankind did not sink with it. In a certain way it did. Precisely this is the crux of the matter - where astute thinking is needed. Many of the highest-ranking bankers and financiers of the time were on the maiden voyage of the Titanic, invited by the financial oligarch J.P. Morgan, who owned the shipping line. But whereas Morgan canceled his participation at very short notice and thus survived, all of the invited financial moguls perished. Interestingly, they were precisely those most influential gentlemen who opposed a global strategic plan that J.P. Morgan was pursuing with a confederation of other leading bankers. The plan was to privatize the U.S. central banking system. This plan was implemented already the year after the Titanic attack.

From then on, the great power USA no longer got its money from its state bank but only against interest and compound interest from this association of private big bankers, called the Federal Reserve or the Fed. So ALL money comes from private bankers. Also the money for the repayment of the interest and compound interest must be taken as credit from this financial monopoly. The USA have been caught in this dependency and with it all nations up to this day. Yes, the whole world is in this debt trap. In this way, this financial mafia secures control over all mineral resources, production sites, goods, banks, infrastructures, even entire states and their politicians. But so cleverly camouflaged, of course, that the vast majority of people do not even see through it and believe they see the origins of price and economic fluctuations, of political upheavals, global conflicts and wars in completely different causes. Just exactly like the attack on the Titanic, the covert act of terrorism against leading bankers and thus ultimately against the whole of humanity, which according to official parlance is supposed to have been a tragic accident.

The entire humanity is now directly threatened by the next staged catastrophe. The Titanic attack and the introduction of the privatized central banking system only laid the foundation for it. It is the Great Reset. This is loudly announced by the global financial mafia through their henchmen, such as Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum WEF, as seemingly inevitable. Their Great Reset slogan is "You will own nothing, but be happy." You have three guesses who so much wants to own EVERYTHING and command EVERYONE and for this goal wants to expropriate all of us.

Conclusion: Whoever willingly wants to put his neck on the line for our official historiography should first consider that a nefarious financial mafia has been playing its villainous game in the background for many decades and longer. And this in all areas of our existence. Nothing is as it seems to be. But as avoidable the sinking of the Titanic was, just as avoidable were for example wars, up to the world wars, or terror attacks like those of September 11, 2001. And just as avoidable is now the threatening sinking of mankind by the Great Reset. Because our ship of the common human family has a good chance not to be pushed into the abyss. As in a gigantic cosmic spring more and more heroes of investigative journalism get to the bottom of all things just as conscientiously and meticulously as for example Gerhard Wisnewski. They uncover all these hidden puppeteers in the background. Together they also draw consequences and demand a serious reappraisal of the criminal facts. And that by independent courts, newly to be formed! Yes, an international, incorruptible people's tribunal, which will have all these bad fellows arrested and taken out of circulation. Let yourself be inspired by this springtime of truth, love and justice and spread the word about this program. Together we can turn the tide and save the ship of humanity from this brutal financial mafia and the impending Great Reset.

from hm
Die Titanic

Titanic and FED


Das Titanic-Attentat: starker Tobak ohne Filter!




Der Great Reset

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