The Russia-China Pact and the Marx-Rothschild Conspiracy – by Ivo Sasek

1 year ago

“How can a high finance find pleasure in communism?
Aren’t these completely mutually exclusive opposites?
No, they are not!”

Whether we want to believe it or not, no government under these skies, at least no official one, really stands on its own feet. For centuries, everything has been deliberately and strategically infiltrated by a parasitic high finance. Like a tick, this high finance bloodsucker secretly nests in nation states to create strategic control centers from within them. The goal is always the own new world order, a new world, of this secret society, sometimes also called the Deep State. If a “host” infiltrated by this tick tries to shake it out again, the money tap is turned off on the spot. If this measure is not sufficient, it will be terrorized even to the point of open warfare and ruined – as can be seen with the Arab Spring and the like. These bloodsuckers think and steer everything solely globally. And for a long time now, the clandestine underground financiers have sought to make China their next center for global world domination. For this purpose, they have long since erected their world administration buildings in China in the form of gigantic skyscrapers. Now, these no longer have to remain empty.

That this time is now, one can acknowledge from the fact that “China” was hailed over a longer period in our mass media, which are financed by mandatory fees. But now serious problems are emerging. Whether these problems have been staged or not will show soon. For us, the deceived peoples, it will ultimately make no difference, as I will explain later. At the moment, in any case, a fraternity between the hated Russia of Putin and China is becoming apparent. Furthermore, at the beginning of 2022, would you believe it, China has stockpiled as never before in history the most important resources from all over the world, such as, for example, 69% of all global grain reserves, raw materials from wood to rare earths, food without measure. You could list on end.

Russia meanwhile should have become the control center of the secretly ruling high finance for Europe long ago, but this has led to increasingly powerful problems. Now it’s like this: Global high finance no longer tolerates medieval conditions. It wants all the power and riches for itself alone and therefore simply exterminates all dropouts and autocratical rivals.

We recall: There was a phase of interest-free money flow in the High Middle Ages. And this led to such an equal distribution of wealth until there was hardly any difference in wealth between the working classes and the nobility. Then, around the middle of the 15th century, this system finally collapsed, so that the interest money system, which had been inactive in the Middle Ages, was reactivated in the manner of ancient Rome. A wealth redistribution from working people to money lenders resumed, going on for centuries. And the automatic redistribution via interest money then led to the founding of the Bank of England in 1694, and thus to the visible formation of a new global high finance modeled on ancient Rome. The founders of the private Bank of England took power over England and the Commonwealth, i.e. the alliance of states subjected to them. From that time until World War II, England was the global control center of global high finance. Now, the economic decline of England after World War II shows how quickly a country is out of the game if high finance cannot or does not want to use it as a global control center anymore. Similarly, this fate is now also glooming in the USA, because the global control center has been shifted to China.

In the 1780s, high finance succeeded in expanding its sinister network of secret societies, secret services, devil worshippers, unfortunately, and organized crime into one global deep state, through which it has controlled and steered mankind ever since. In the course of the 18th century, it gained control over almost all European states, which, in the era of colonialism, was synonymous with control over the whole world. The only thing it lacked at that time was the control over Russia.

As already mentioned, Russia, which high finance had already infiltrated in the Russian Revolution, was meant to expand into a Eurasian Soviet empire. But, as we can see daily, things have gone wrong – I think because their Masonic puppet Vladimir Putin has not been as loyal as they thought. He has long since freed himself from the leash and wants to call the shots himself. Perhaps the likewise masonic U.S. administration and its Pentagon, with their 9/11 act, just gave Putin a taste for it. With China, on the other hand, the plan of the underground high finance seemed to work out smoothly until recently. It is not by coincidence that the mass media, which are all under the dictates of this high finance, have increasingly hailed China as a great social role model. But why should a high finance elite have a communist dictatorship cheered? Why is that?

We urgently need to understand that the high finance establishes its world dictatorship on the way of the dialectic between high degree capitalism and communism. Dialectic means the tactic that one always takes two steps ahead, then – “ready to compromise as it were” one step back again. But it’s just a trick. The difference between high finance capitalism and communism is … there is none! There is none! Because capitalism is only the beginning and communism is the target of one and the same attacker. It’s time that we learn to understand this. Capitalism is used to advance communism. And communism is used to advance capitalism. That’s the way it is. But the goal of this dialectical approach is a communist world dictatorship – to the outside. But why a communist one? Anyone who has still retained the innocence of questioning is asking: How can a high finance find pleasure in communism – aren’t these completely mutually exclusive opposites? No, they are not, because capitalism contains an automatic wealth redistribution from the hard-working to the super-rich – not to the middle class, but to the super-rich is the point. However, communism as we know it from the gloomy Eastern bloc countries, is, of course, an abomination for a prosperous society like ours; therefore, tactically, all thriving nations must first be subtly plunged into misery and chaos. Otherwise the thing with communism won’t work.

On the one hand, this is done systematically, as experienced in past centuries, as more and more national wealth is imperceptibly transferred into the hands of these few super-rich. On the other hand, misery can also be brought about by targeted terrorism and deliberate fueled crises as you constantly experience. More on this later.

In any case, this is how these elite families have successively gained power over humanity, because we are all dependent on their money. And through this dependence, countless numbers have become corruptible and prone to be blackmailed. In other words, by destroying the middle-class – your employer you could also say – by destroying the middle-class capitalism, high finance capitalism is systematically transferring all national wealth into the hands of a few super rich.
And along this national wealth, all power, our power, is wiped out as well. Communism is its best pawn in this. In blind zeal, it is faithfully bringing about the final stage of the state-capitalism in the most direct way.

How does it do that? By giving to a small elite all control over the national wealth and thus willingly, power over all humanity.

And I again at this point address you communists, all of you:
Please realize what I am saying here, and by all means see through this nasty game. You will finally end up as slaves of this high finance without any rights, just like the rest of the world if we don’t break new ground now together. Please, better believe it, none other than these high finance capitalists will finally be your owner and your longed-for communist state in the end. In any case, they have long instrumentalized you communists for their own purposes just as much as, for example, Christianity. Because also all falsely devoted people with their churches and congregations and of course, all false-religious people lead to the final stage of high finance communism in the most direct way. How? Namely through their misunderstood either passive or otherwise extremist basic attitude. In the end, both capitalism and communism lead to that destination, where the individual is not only completely without property, but also is rendered definitely without rights and powerless. Yet, because in the end, high finance is above all interested in the power over mankind and not only in its wealth, capitalism only serves as a tool, but the actual goal is communism, or rather communist world dictatorship.

And at this point I say:
For “still” doubters here is another quote from the Masonic high-finance pope Otto Kahn. As early as 1919, he literally said in a lecture in Budapest, I quote: “You say that Marxism is the very antithesis of capitalism, which is equally sacred to us. It is precisely for this reason that they are direct opposites to one another, that allow us – us! – to be its axis. These opposites meet again in the identity of their purpose and end in the remaking of the world from above by the control of riches, and from below by revolution.” End of quote. Did you understand this well?

Source: Comte de Saint-Auclaire, Geveve contra la Paix, Paris 1936, p. 83
The High Degree Mason Blumenthal put it even more unequivocally in 1929 in the Swedish paper “Judisk Tidskrift” Scripture No. 57, I quote him: “Only recently, our race has given the world a new prophet, but he has two faces and he bears two names; on the one side his name is Rothschild, and on the other Karl Marx.” End of quote. Well understood? High degree Mason and high financier.

So as long as this global high finance functions, it does not matter how mankind develops – no matter what happens – the elites will always try to introduce a communist world dictatorship, even if the so-called Deep State should no longer exist. So, Marxism, communism and their derivative socialism embody nothing more but state capitalism and rule by a privileged minority seeking despotic and total control over humanity, depriving it not only of every right but also of every possession. One sees without further ado everywhere how capitalism and communism smoothly serve each other. We just have to learn to recognize it. Therefore, we also find the same phenomenon from China to Russia and Europe, you understand? Everywhere, multibillionaires and multitrillionaires are bustling about and everywhere an all-powerful state, so to say, reigns supremely. And we, in the German-speaking area, are just like Russia and China on the best way to get likewise only powerful corporations and a power centralized in Brussels over us, so that the individual will be finally without any say and any power, and above all without any rights.

In short, capitalism and communism form a top team, which is also strongly promoted here in Europe. The same is happening in the USA, where the power as well lies with the multi-billionaires and centrally in Washington. Capitalism and communism always go hand in hand harmoniously and the individual in the process becomes more and more powerless. That’s the point. The whole thing is just a game. In our days, we can now observe this with our own eyes, we are already heading straight for a communist world dictatorship.

So, Masonic high finance not only controls all national governments without exception since the First World War, but also the main mass media of this world are being controlled by them. And therefore, in all essential things, there is unfortunately a coercion to carry out their will, so that I would say positive developments in favor of mankind are hardly possible any longer. Free mankind is badly oppressed and suppressed by this secret global high finance in every respect, although the latter consists only of a small number of trillionaire families. I said “trillionaire”.

But they have been in control of the entire monetary system on earth since 1913, i.e., the establishment of their private Federal Reserve System, called FED for short. They, unfortunately, have succeeded in seducing us all into a total dependence on their money with their interest – and their compound interest system. This secret elite is called the global Deep State for this very reason, because it does this this way, secretly. So, as mentioned, it is about a network of secret societies whose top heads are devil worshippers, unfortunately, without exception. It is this way, unfortunately. These have already been interlaced with secret services and the organized crime etc., preferably drug trafficking for far over 200 years. Just think about their opium war, which was only the first link in the chain of a purposefully orchestrated chaos management to take over China, and later Afghanistan up into our regional areas. We cannot philosophize on this now. But they increasingly control all governments, information media, legal systems, educational institutions, sciences and the like. In a nutshell, they simply control all of humanity from behind the scenes. And why are they able to do so? Only because they have succeeded in cleverly infiltrating our state systems at all key control points. And in every area they have conquered, where they succeeded in taking over the total global domination, they do it like the old time pirates. Once they had captured a ship, they hoisted their flag with the skull and crossbones on it. You remember old films. The flags of the global ruling elites, however, are much more inconspicuous and inviting. We have to understand this. And, together with you, I would like to take a look at a few such flags of these people right now.

Because they all signal absolute supremacy. Start understanding these flags. They exist both as sovereignty signs over land, air, water and more, as we will see in a moment, and we didn’t even notice that it’s basically always one and the same club and their supreme sovereignty emblem.

At the center of this flag we are going to speak about is always the laurel wreath. Since ancient times, it has been considered an attribute of the conqueror, a good luck charm and a symbol of power. The wreath of laurel leaves could be the trophy in sports therefore, but also the Roman emperors wore it as well. In ancient mythology, the god Apollo wears a laurel wreath. You understand? What does it symbolize there?
There it symbolizes the supremacy over the heavens.

Apollo 11
Here Apollo symbolizes the sovereignty over space – it’s their club.

And just as in the old Rome, a laurel was considered sacred, and therefore was not allowed to be desecrated or burned, so every global sovereign organization of the elites, in their eyes, is considered sacred and untouchable!

Look at this symbol:
World Health Organization
Do you see the laurel wreath there? A Freemason organization – Supremacy over all of humanity’s health.

Yes, and we have clashed with this imperative of inviolability particularly during the Covid-19-Plandemic, really, I’m sure you remember. And right now, currently, in our days again we clash, since the WHO has just worked out new binding laws in secret agreements worldwide which are supposed to give the WHO the supremacy over the entire health care system, so to speak the hidden world domination. Do you understand? Instead of putting exactly those people behind bars who have harmed a whole world now, they in secret are planning a next “world dominion campaign”. To get straight to the point: Exactly this has been the declared goal of the high-degree Freemasonry for centuries, which is why there are almost always Masonic foundations, organizations and associations behind such laurel logos. I will show you some more, ok? Have a look at this sign.

The United Nations with all its sub-organizations you will see now. Always pay attention to the wreath. That this wreath rounds itself around a flat-earth map we will not talk about today.

World Meteorological Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations

World Food Program of the United Nations

United Nations Children’s Fund

All the same club.
United Nations Human Rights Council

International Labor Organization a specialized agency of the United Nations, you understand? All the same club.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization – one club.(specialized agency of the United Nations)

Here, the United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS

We have uncovered the whole HIV/AIDS hoax with Anti-Censorship-Coalition more than enough.
International Maritime Organization, one and the same club.

And therefore, if you want to know a little bit more about what is going on all the time, for example at the North Pole, and you charter a ship and go there, you will be intercepted early on by ships of maritime supremacy with exactly this emblem, the laurel wreath and forced to turn back. If you don’t obey, you’ll be massively threatened.
Then you, for example, charter an airplane instead, e.g. a small Cessna and fly towards the North Pole, then the jet fighters of the international air supremacy with this emblem will intercept you.
They will flank you to your right and left and radio you to turn back immediately. And if you don’t obey, they will shoot you down. Why this at the north pole? Do you understand? A lot is hiding here. What this ubiquitous laurel wreath means you can only get a presentiment about when you consider it in context.
International Civil Aviation Organization, the same emblem.

Also the North Polish Combat Team has the same sign.

The same will also happen to you if you do not behave correctly here.
International Atomic Energy Agency

And here, pay attention to the wreath. Think of the climate hoax and so on.
Do you see it? All the same. And so many more Masonic organizations and sub-organizations could be listed. You wouldn’t even get around NASA with all its Masonic astronauts. Watch my documentary on this again.
And not to mention the new Masonic climate religion with its false prophets and high priests, who scare the nations non-stop with causal climate lies.
Therefore, do you see this sign here:
The blue angel – environmental label jury

Do you see the wreath? One and the same club.
Here you have
International Criminal Court

And whoever thinks that at least the International Criminal Court has the same logo by sheer coincidence is welcome to believe in Santa Claus again, or for a Christian in Israel, founded in 1948, as if it had been re-established by God as a gift and not by high-grade Freemasonry which it truly was. Do you understand?
Look at the University logo template

Everywhere you find this wreath. University says it all, it’s the one club that has infiltrated everything. So in case you have doubts that everything has been skillfully infiltrated here is evidence.
Right down to the ever-hyped universities and even global tattoo addiction, it’s all rooted in the same Masonic swamp.
And therefore, here you see such a type
There are Next wave – tattoos

Quite a few things were deliberately “openly” hidden this way, as has been the cynical custom and practice among high-degree Freemasons for centuries.
So, one can see from the current state of our times that global high finance is virtually one step away from the goal of establishing its communist world dictatorship. They control everything. At present, however though, they still have to struggle with at least two particularly persistent problems. As already mentioned, the US masonic breakaway elite wants to maintain its status as a global parasite and thwart the relocation of the global steering center of the cabal to China of course, which of course delays the reformatting plan of the global high finance significantly. And secondly, the population in the West is increasingly seeing through the goals of the establishment of this high finance-communist world dictatorship, i.e. the Deep State. Its awareness of its own disempowerment is growing more and more through the exposure and disempowerment of the US elite becoming visible. So, more and more people are therefore seeking salvation in conservative patriotic movements, in nationalist movements.

But you know, any established patriotism comes too late here, unfortunately. For it is precisely because of this that the Western peoples and states have been weakened and destroyed for decades by systematic mass migrations. It’s a war plan, you understand? Whenever high finance with its leading media praises patriotism, then it happens just as once with Adolf Hitler or currently again with Zelensky and Putin. In order to be able to blame their masonic-fueled uprisings, crises and bloody wars on patriotism or nationalism afterwards. Do you understand the trick? That’s how you dismantle nationalities. Any genuine patriotism is a thorn in the side of high finance communism because it owns the potential power to overthrow high finance communism but only when you stand together, you see. Before our eyes, therefore, Earnest Hooten’s subtle foreign-infiltration plan is crushing any upcoming genuine patriotism. This is fact. The Hooten plan has systematically prevented any patriotic revival since the nineteen sixties. It shatters all genuine patriotism right from the outset.

That’s why, under the slogan “it benefits our economy”, guest workers were deliberately and systematically channeled into our countries. First only friendly “neighbors”, e.g. guest workers from Italy here in the German speaking area, then from Turkey, then more and more guest workers from all over the world and finally the planned total chaos through asylum rushes over the Mediterranean Sea which had all been planned. Mass migration has thus increasingly turned out to be a Marxist stratagem of war against us in order to enforce the communist world dictatorship. “Order out of chaos” has always been the slogan of the secret world domination elites. Total chaos in every respect is their principle of establishment. We need to comprehend that. In our generation, starting with the hippies of the 1968 movement, with the targeted introduction of drugs, sex, alcohol – continuing with total nihilism, i.e. the dissolution of all established standards – to the total economic collapse of the middle class promoted by the Plandemic lockdowns. Yes, the total decline of all peoples who are not yet communist (peoples) is the necessary condition of the secret high finance to assert their world domination.

For no other reason, we now find ourselves in a world in which there are increasing problems, more and more problems, and fewer and fewer people still find help, after they have been deliberately plunged into these hopeless problems. Watch our Kla.TV broadcasts on this repeatedly, please.
I summarize all that has been said and end up with outlining what I believe is a viable way out of this world crisis:

The basic principle:
- No government in this world is truly self-sufficient, all are high-finance dependent. Not even those governments that want to maintain or restore their independence – they are being crushed militarily, we saw that
- Also China and Russia were also strategically built up by global high finance and lured into the debt trap, just like all the other countries of the world.
- The entire communism is a global-strategic set-up by the same high finance, for the elimination of any middle class that rivals it.
- The central weak point of the global, now digital, financial complex lies in the necessary external administration. Listen well now. Just as the Americans depend on U.S.-owned puppet governments in all their occupied territories. So is high finance. They are dependent on foreign administrators. The Achilles heel lies in this external administration, the vulnerable point of all these infiltrating powers. We need to understand this well.
-Furthermore, after the global high finance had built up profitable – really profitable- mass prisons in Russia and China, i.e. labor camps for unpaid workers, and via these ultimately could technically revolutionize the whole world market, there is now no turning back anymore.
- But some of the most important puppets of the vassal states, which were strategically built up by global high finance, have meanwhile “got a taste for it” themselves. This is the problem of the real big ones.
- And you see, just as it has always been the custom among gangs of robbers to kill each other in the end when it came to distributing the very big booty, so it is again today. Nothing has changed with that.
- For us, (who are) the betrayed peoples, however, this is not good news yet, unfortunately.
Because it doesn’t matter whether the global high finance with its military or its deserting vassals win the final battle for the cheap labor peoples – all peoples of this earth will this way or the other end up in the planned re-education and labor camps under total surveillance if we do not win now, if we do not stand together now and do something against it. And none of these parties is going to let go of it, because this concept is the most profitable for all preying parties. Do you understand this?
Pray, if you can, that all these secret society mafiosi will end each other single-handedly and no longer succeed in using and sacrificing innocent peoples in their uprisings and wars. The pirates are to end each other.
Please listen again to the 2nd and especially the 3rd part of my speech from the friends meeting 2023 on this topic. I think, more powerful ways and suggestions for a powerless and destitute population you will hardly find anywhere else.
Finally, there is only one way out for the peoples: they must become now what they were made to believe for centuries – they must join forces to defend themselves against both the cunning global high finance and its renegade communism.
But not the childish or at best adolescent form like the Swiss democracy will help us out of trouble, because these are simply based on human egoisms and therefore eternal power struggle of egos.
What this world needs is the coalition of all peoples condemned to slavery under that effective law of the spirit of life, of peace and of heavenly navigating power, that manages even to navigate the “uneducated animal world”.
And whoever objects that such navigation is impossible with humans, I refer calmly to the history of the OCG, whose organs from thousands of different backgrounds have been working together harmoniously for decades like one man – and on this synergic way is building the new world – we are at it, you see? And that on a highly motivated voluntary basis. You can see the results not only in the thousands of free broadcasts of Kla.TV or in the hundreds of thousands of the V&C articles free of charge. You can also find the same results in all products of our Elaion publishing house, for example in the form of dozens of books, specialized literature on the just mentioned topic free of charge I cannot elaborate on this here.And on the same subject – this worldwide ontic navigation power there are about 2000 lectures on CD, DVD, or in big feature films, who convey this knowledge; oratorios, and so on. All these products were created voluntarily, despite furious fronts of global high finance with all their mass media and aggressive communism, which is attacking us continuously between which we have been trapped for decades. But also despite decades of resistance from all the exploitative cartels with their coercive-fee mass media, and so on. As OCG, we have become an international living organism also despite all the tens of thousands of religious, political, economic and all other divisions. Here you see, one can overcome it with a field of power that is really working from heaven which is there for everyone. It’s nothing religious. It’s power. What more should I list? There would be a lot more.

But no, I say it clearly: the OCG does not want to be or become the new or alternative world ruler. Not Ivo Sasek and none of his thousands of voluntary contributors will rule this world, or wants to rule this world. Rather the navigation principle working everywhere in the air to which we have again entrusted ourselves and that has thereby allowed us to attain an all-embracing and indescribable quality of life.

The OCG simply offers its services to all peoples of this earth, free of charge, in order to build up among them that true democracy, in which there is no longer a struggle for the 51%. But in which the normal state is 100% agreement from within on all essential questions of living together as peoples that will flow freely out of every human being. This is the product of this navigation from above.
I hereby call all people from all nations into the necessary active commitment! That is needed of course! I say, become this living organism together with us! And anyone who can hear my speech and feels in their hearts that – even though at last minute – a timely solution for all peoples of the world is available here, register with “Kla.TV – Become active” – you see it in the screen – and I ask that you commit yourself, become accountable. Without reliability in commitment, it will not work!

(Show new page: We are there for you and will introduce you to this ontic navigating power, this field of power very practically.

I am Ivo Sasek, who has been standing before God for 47 years.

from is.
China buys food etc.:

Opium War in China:

Skyscrapers in China:

Re-education camps in China:

Further Sources on the topic China:
(inkl. ganze Ausgabe 50)

Prohibition of Interest Rates in the Middle Ages:

Quote Otto Kahn:
Comte de Saint-Aulaire, Genève Contre la Paix, Paris 1936, S. 83

Driving to the North Pole hindered:

Laurel Wreath:

Norbert Homuth, Die Verschwörung des Antichristus, Selbstverlag, 1994 [The Conspiracy of the Antichrist]

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