Using Personal Credit Cards for Business

7 years ago
6 Are you using personal credit cards for business expenses and purchases? In this video you will learn five reasons why you should stop.

Personal credit cards should be used only for personal use not business use. In fact, using personal credit cards for business purchases is dangerous and can cost you more than you think.

Factors such as credit utilization, credit scores, record keeping and business credit building all play a role.

Although using a personal credit card may seem like a simple and convenient way to get access to the credit and capital your business needs, there is a better way.

Personal credit cards for business makes it extremely difficult to keep well organized records of your business purchases and expenses. This can cause issues during tax time not too mention mixing personal and business expenses can jeopardize the protection of the corporate veil.

For more details on using personal credits for business and how to get business credit cards that report only to the business credit reporting agencies check out the following sites.

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