How to Get Funding for Your Startup

6 years ago
9 Want to know how to get funding for your startup? Discover how to get funding to start your business in 14-20 days.

One of the major reasons why startups fail is because they run out of cash. What frequently goes wrong, and leads to a startup running out of money, is that the owner failed to gain access to funding before their cash dried up.

As a startup it's important to plan for growth right from the beginning as opposed to waiting until you really need the funds.

One of the first steps is to determine what your credit scores and credit reports look like. As a startup, your funding ability will be determined by two main factors, your credit and income.

If you have good credit scores in the 680+ range than you have options available for startup funding. Funding options such as revolving lines of credit in the form of business credit cards are a simple and fast solution. Through our program we obtain you 4-5 business credit cards for your startup that only report to the business credit reporting agencies.

If you have good credit and income that can be verified than you can qualify for additional funding programs such as bank lines of credit and installment loans.

To get funding for your startup first obtain a copy of your tri merged credit report in order for us to conduct a pre qualification review. In 24 to 48 hours we will provide you a funding projection so you can determine which funding options to move forward with.

For more details on how to get funding for your startup or to start the funding process check out the following sites.

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