Satan Has Chosen Today to Be the Day That He tells you what is happening & what I am doing To You.

1 year ago

I have set THE law at, I get to do whatever i want , because i declair an emergence, emergence means something is emerging something that is shall join something which is here & coming still In authority & power. What I am doing to you can be read if you have light inside to READ WHAT MORGAN WRITES . It IS Written all Within the first verse I wrote. Satan Has Choice. I Get You to willingly Bow TO THE Will Of Holy SATAN. For Wherever You are Their have you been sent by That which Rules all. THE will Of a single Child, & THE Never-ending story. THe story Or Song which remains the same, & I Hope you all Know Where I am going with this THE Living Son Of THE living God , LOVE , You were to Choose between Love & Rockets I have Made it fun for the children !!!! For I am ULTRA_MAN still BRICK! THREE HITS OF DOUBLE DIP WHITE CLINICAL LASED WITH METHAMPHETAMINE & You GET TO MET GOD! & HAVE A LITTLE CONVERATION ABOUIT AUTHORITY BEFOR SENDIING US BACK, WE"VEW BEEN AROUND SO LONG & COME So FAR IT"S TIME TO DEVULGE Who We ARE , NOW WHAT JUST PLAYED !!! & IS STILL PLAYING IT"S MY GAME , THE ETERNALS!!! WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!! YOUR PLACES HAVE BEEN TAKEN BY YOU ALLREADY THAT IS THIS SONG WRITERS SECRET . EVERY IS GOING WHERE THEY WILL BE & ARE FOREVER & EVER. SMURF-ON Little Smurfs For you most assuredly inherit THE Earth for it is Mine to give .

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