Сreators of the pyramids. Killer robots. AI for enslaving people

1 year ago

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Email: glogeman@gmx.com

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Сreator delves into various conspiracy theories revolving around the control of humanity by malevolent entities. They discuss the supposed involvement of extraterrestrial beings in providing advanced technologies, the manipulation of cloned individuals by these entities, and the infiltration of world leaders. The creator also claims to have spent years researching how entities enter human bodies and suggests that those in power aim to make people rely solely on technology, making it easier for entities to possess them. They argue that the ultimate goal is to eliminate humans and introduce digital currencies for control. Additionally, they propose that those in power are demons working for infernal entities, resulting in the loss of human souls and the transformation of people into vessels for these entities. The creator predicts a future where people will be surrounded by possessed individuals. They encourage viewers to provide alternative explanations or counterarguments for the events discussed.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmrIYAiQoQg


Florida Miami USA America Americans ! A Glogeman from Miami, about our perspective . what's in store for us in the near future? They're preparing to starve us! 15 Minute Cities - GHETTO ! Who attacked human society? Who do presidents and ministers really serve ? What digital money is being introduced for ! A conspiracy against human society ! Destruction of agriculture ! We are being forced to eat insects in order to dehumanize and destroy humans ! Through the education system, presidents are damaging the psyche of our children ! Why are we being lied to about space and the shape of the Earth ? Who gives presidents technology ?

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