Enemy Agents: Screenwriters, authors, publishing, Google Search, celebrities

1 year ago

The MATRIX is full of fake leaders. politicians, Corporate Officers, Judges, University Chancellors, filmmakers, directors, producers, musical cover bands presented as songwriters, and fake resistance virtue signalers.

Controlled opposition fake leaders:
Ron DeSantis YALE, HARVARD, Office of Naval Intelligence
Donald Trump, used car salesman of Jesuit Fordham University
Gavin Newson, Jesuit Santa Clara University and suffering dyslexia
RFK, Jr fraud and charlatan. He panders for your money and promises nothing.
Diane Goldman Feinstein, Stanford University, fake SF Mayor and US Senator.
Mark (Levin) Lane, a fake lawyer for Jim Jones and fake author: Rush to Judgment
Mae Magnin Brussell of Beverly Hills. Stanford & UC Berkeley. CIA controlled disinformation.
Oliver (Silverstein) Stone. Fake films JFK, The Doors, Platoon, Midnight Express
Robin Williams, CISA comedian
Mort Sahl, CIA comedian
Lenny Bruce, CIA comedian
Jerry Seinfeld, CIA comedian
Jack Benny, CIA Comedian
George Burns, CIA comedian
Jerry Lewis, CIA comedian
Garry Shandling, CIA comedian
Bob Saget, CIA comedian
Bob Hope, CIA comedian
Phil Hartman, CIA comedian
Jim Carrey, CIA comedian
William Shatner, CIA Hollywood influencer
Peter Falk, CIA Hollywood influencer
Neil Young, CIA Hollywood influencer
Mike Love, CIA Hollywood influencer
Paul McCartney, CIA-MI-6 Tavastock music influencer
Madonna, CIA Hollywood influencer
Larry David, CIA Hollywood comedian
Cheryl Hines, CIA Hollywood influencer
Dominik Dunne, Vanity Fair
John Dunne, Princeton University, TIME-LIFE
Joan Didion, UC Berkeley Vogue Magazine
Robert Lamm, CIA Columbia Records music influencer (Chicago)
Karen Perk Lamm, CIA Hollywood influencer
Dr Albert LaVerne, MK Ultra doctor
Dr Louis Jolyon West, MK Ultra doctor
Timothy Leary, PhD, ARMY INTEL LSD mavin

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