'Pest Control' - The Silence in The Oceans

1 year ago

Pest control, that's what the Japanese dolphin killers and whalers call their program to remove the marine mammals from the sea by killing them. Dolphin meat, like whale meat, is highly enriched with mercury and many other environmental toxins. Their consumption is harmful to the health. Dolphins and whales are considered by the fishing industry to be competition for small fish such as sardines, mackerel and other small marine fish spec.. It is pure greed for profit that drives the fishing industry to eliminate dolphins and whales. In Norway, whole bodies of dead whales are still dumped back into the sea immediately after being killed, the whalers admitted. Norway, Iceland, the rich Faroe Islands as a blood sport and Japan, all kill whales and dolphins for the same reason - because they are considered competition for small fish. In the Faroe Islands, toxic dolphin meat is offered for sale commercially in online stores. Nothing justifies the killing of whales and dolphins, except greed and madness.Behind all the crimes is the Japanese government, together with the Faroese, Norwegians and the Icelandic fin whale serial killer Kristján Loftsson , founded and financed the fake science NAMMCO, which is only deception. The main reason for this is so that all these 4 countries can say 'if the others kill dolphins and whales, we kill them too'. Dolphins and whales are protected internationally, in laws and trade agreements, about these crimes in the oceans, the other governemts worldwide always looked the other way. Whales and Dolphins alive are an important key in fight to climate change. But Today, Norway has Killed these year 2023 about more than 500 Minke whale, japan over 300 Whale and over 5000 Dolphins, The Faroese about 600 Dolphins, the fishing Industry worldwide about more than 300'000 dolphins and whales in fishing net and longline, alot of whales die because of ship strikes; Whales and Dolphins die by Sonar from Military, most of them stranded. The number of unreported cases will drive the number up even higher. Climate change will trigger a chain reaction at some point, perhaps in 10-20 years, after which the earth will no longer be what it once was. Instead of spending money on Mars missions and such crap, we need to restore the oceans with all our might. We have to reduce human births of a maximum of 2 children per family, with the two-child policy, and conviction, people do that voluntarily. At least 80% of the oceans must be put under protection, immediately, whales and dolphins must be protected, with military - We have no other choice. The oceans and their life secures andour future on earth, we can't again screw it up anymore if we want to live.
'Whales could be a secret weapon in the fight against climate change - here's why'
Source: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/01/whales-climate-change-role-carbon/

The film was made in 2017, and now shortened because of the size.

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