The Storm

1 year ago

Why’s it critically important for them to prevent
The opening of your mind & soul (with contempt)?
When efforts to silence through their newspapers fail,
It’s Hollywood & TV, attempting to prevail!

Do you suppose no one’s paying attention to the drops?
And Maggie’s on the train all the way, till it stops?
Stories are written with no basis in fact,
Like the fake dossier from a paid contract.

Oh, we are the news now, Lord.
Oh, we are the Good News.
We really started something, not a coincidence,
They’ll see the light or feel the heat, so
Just enjoy the show!

Caught in the act, their Foundation’s now cracked,
Their family secret told to Rosenstein.
Why so much attention, to a so-called "conspiracy"?
Memes, memes, and battle memes against the tyranny.

100 million died from those thinking they knew best.
Now, drones & Benghazi, & secrets of the West,
Heed my warning, young people, learn to test
Resisting Collectivists in your Yellow Vests!

Oh, we are the news now, Lord!
Oh, we are the Good News.
We really started something, not a coincidence,
They'll see the light or feel the heat, So just enjoy the show!

Will the liars prosper, with their talking points in mind?
Endless investigation hoping for some crime?
School’s are changing into indoctrination camps,
And free-thinking looking for the exit ramps.

Are we having fun yet? The best is yet to come.
One step closer to exposing what they’ve done.
A message from the Action Man, "Together we are strong!"
The choice is yours, do what you will; to you it does belong.

Oh, we are the news now, Lord!
Oh, we are the Good News.
We really started something, not a coincidence,
They'll see the light or feel the heat, So just enjoy the show!

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