Do you know who is the Matrix today atacking you? Its these people

1 year ago

Do you know who is the Matrix today atacking you? Its these people. The system retreated and pushed criminals to do their job. Is that their plan? Surely. But these people are racist and are guilty as well.

" Getting some shit for my last post, so let’s turn it up and notch.

I grew up under the old adage, ‘show and prove.’

Show me a video of a group of white guys beating the shit out of a lone black guy.

For every one you produce (if you can) I can post 100 of a group of black men beating the shit out of one white man.

Dude. I see AT LEAST ten a day.

Blacks are targeting whites en masse. You can get mad, deny it, and bitch all you want.

But you will have a helluva time refuting it. "

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