Powerful Ancestral Invocation for God's help to overcome evil forces that hinder your life

1 year ago

There was a man who was persecuted by a very powerful demon and everything he did to prosper the demon destroyed.
One day, already tired of failing so much and knowing that there was no way to fight this evil being, he decided to seek help.
He went out into the world and found a very wise monk and told his story to him.
The sage said that he could help him more than he would have to fight directly with this demon and that to win he would need many allies.
This monk prepared a powerful novena written and delivered in Latin and to be repeated 9 times.
The ritual would have to be repeated for nine days straight.
This would bring the help of the creator God himself and consequently the defeat of this demon that harmed him so much.
At the end of the novena, a golden warrior with a flaming sword and an unbreakable shield appeared and led him in spirit to the battlefield.
With just one blow, the warrior sent by God defeated the demon that disintegrated and was destroyed in seconds.
The Warrior spoke to the man, your request has been fulfilled and I will fulfill it for everyone who asks me, just having faith in divine help.
This summoning ritual will be the most powerful link in the chain that will bring immediate help to all who are persecuted by evil forces and must be kept and passed down to all generations.
This has been done and it reached you, because the divine mysteries remain hidden and only manifest themselves at propitious and necessary moments.
It is here translated into its most pronounced language in the video in its original language.
Just listen and repeat in silent reading to repeat the ritual and get divine help if you are suffering from evil attacks.

“I call upon my mighty creator and lord of the universe to come to my aid.
Protect me with your power and guard me against this evil force that interferes with my life.
Free me and give me strength to overcome this evil that surrounds me and tries to overthrow me.
Lend me your sword and your shield of light so that I can fight this evil being.
May your voice give me the certainty that I will be protected and I will be invincible in the fight with the hidden and destructive forces.
May good and light never perish in the hands of this infamous creature.
May this request echo and be repeated by many thousands of souls across the planet.
May this desire manifest itself and the whole universe and make this evil force tremble with fear.
May your dominion over my life be severed by my creator's divine sword.
May I not be alone on the battlefield supported by all your army
You are the light and you will triumph over darkness, for your power is infinite and if you protect me, nothing will reach me.
Certain that your love for your humble son is immense, I am prepared and I will fight with his strength and I will forever destroy this enemy who cowardly hides in the darkness to attack me.
My eternal father, never forget that no matter how much I make mistakes, I will always be his son.
I will always be the creature you created to triumph and don't allow a lowly creature of darkness to stand out under your power.
Have pity on my weaknesses and give me strength to continue fighting.
So be your full will.”
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