The Amplitude Debate Energy Vlog

1 year ago

The Amplitude Debate Energy Vlog Ti8tle is from my out loud self debate on what the amplitude high should be five or eight? Eight won the argument. Today being July 18, 2023 we come up with 32 or #5 the Hierophant card which di epicts a Pope with his alcolates gefuncting at his feet, the card is about structi ure or dogma in its highest it is a spiritual messenger.

The Schumann Resonance today disclosure site showed us some conflicting information. The graph showed a spike of approximately 8 at 12:15 AM. Yet they ignored that recognized a spike in the green A4 graph of 14 and a slight bump that they called an amplitude power of 5. I went for the amplitude power of 8 In part because I did not want to deal with a double hierophant. The quality power was 6.50, thus we have the Justice card which should be balanced, fair and just. The frequency Average was 7.85 hertz, thus #20 the Aeon or Judgement card. A clarion call to wake the dead at the end of an age. We will say that the Hierophant strongly prays for justice for his flock at the Judgment at the end of the piscean age!
The Space Weather news showed us a massive Cme that ben predicting would hit hus in 48 hours from this morning at five am MDT. It was a class M CME that appear to be big enough even though coming of the s departing limb to hit us. There was a phi angle drop. The density of the solar wind was at 10 . the wind speed was 425 (KPS), The solar wind temperature was at a toasty 90,000 kelvin. The Kp index started out in the yellow cautionary zone of geomagnetic activity with a average of 4.33, it spiked there with an average of 3.25 aribd 9:00am. a it went there again at six pm with an average of 3.75 The energies are up for sure.

In honor of the 18th We looked at the Moon's transits. starting with the Moon entering Leo at 12:36 AM EDT. The Leo Moon then T square Saturn in Pisces, to follow with a square of Jupiter in Taurus. Thus the Leo Moon is having hard aspects with the two largest gas giant in our solar system.
Schumann REsonance Today Disclosure site:
Space Weather News site:

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