The Hidden Antarctic History of Polynesians

1 year ago

Is it possible that a Polynesian tribe existed in Antarctica? We explore the oral history of the Maori in New Zealand as recorded in a book from 1904 to find out. The early Polynesians and later Maori were expert travelers of the sea and could find land in the middle of the vast pacific ocean by following the stars and natural patterns of the earth. They no doubt knew of the giant continent to the south of them, Antarctica and traveled there on at least several occasions. It is challenging to conduct archaeological studies in Antarctica so evidence for this settlement has gone unnoticed. However the Native Maori in New Zealand, The Cook Islands, the Tonga Islands, and many more around the pacific know the truth of the antarctic history and of the early Polynesian voyages to Antarctica.


#history #ancienthistory #archaeology #antarctica #hiddenhistory

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