AE Vs AF Lock

1 year ago

AE Lock, short for Autoexposure Lock, is a feature commonly found in digital cameras and DSLRs (Digital Single-Lens Reflex) that allows you to lock the exposure settings while shooting in automatic or semi-automatic modes. It enables you to maintain consistent exposure values for a particular scene or subject, even if the lighting conditions change or you recompose the shot.

When you half-press the shutter button, the camera's autofocus and exposure metering systems are typically activated. The exposure metering system measures the available light in the scene and determines the appropriate exposure settings, including shutter speed, aperture, and ISO sensitivity. If you fully press the shutter button at this point, the camera will take the photo with the calculated exposure settings.

However, there may be instances where you want to lock the exposure settings for a specific area or subject within the frame, especially if the lighting conditions vary within the scene. This is where AE Lock comes into play. By pressing a dedicated AE Lock button (usually found on the camera body or assigned to a customizable button), you can lock the exposure values based on the current metered reading.

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