Fighting for FREEDOM! Thoughts on #SoundofFreedom, our Constitutional Republic & Prayer STRATEGY

1 year ago

I'm back today with an UPDATE and a link back to "The Republic Wins," an episode based on a dream I had that is relevant now more than ever. Like many others, we spent our 4th of July seeing the newly released movie, Sound of Freedom. Based on the true story of Tim Ballard who fights for sex-trafficked children, I believe that this movie is waking up our nation. God is revealing the evil we're battling in this issue, one that I believe can unite our divided nation.

You'll also hear me share what it means to be part of a Constitutional Republic, along with some the vision for religious freedom set out by Pennsylvania's founder, William Penn. Renew the understanding of our history

Be sure to watch through to the end where I share a prayer strategy to "paint our borders" with the oil of His anointing, along with clips, resources and my original song, You Are Lord. Watch on my website for show notes, clips and more

Finally, if you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to my email list to continue receiving weekly updates from Tuesdays with Tina!



#soundoffreedom2023 #soundoffreedommovie #soundoffreedom #seedofanation #williampenn #constitutionalrepublic

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