CS50x 2023 - Lecture 1 - C

1 year ago

This is CS50, Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.


00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:12 - From Scratch to C
00:02:15 - Compiling
00:05:26 - Correctness, Design, Style
00:07:25 - Visual Studio Code
00:12:08 - Hello world
00:30:26 - Libraries, Documentation
00:42:02 - Format Codes
00:51:39 - Types
00:53:05 - Conditionals
01:15:52 - Loops, Variables
01:36:23 - Command-line Interface
01:45:02 - Mario
01:50:58 - Nested Loops
02:00:30 - Do While Loops
02:02:35 - Comments
02:05:02 - Abstraction
02:12:01 - Operators
02:13:29 - Integer Overflow
02:19:22 - Truncation
02:23:12 - Floating-point Imprecision
02:26:33 - Y2K

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