Life After Dobbs: A 3-Pronged Strategy | Day Of Action 2023

1 year ago

Dobbs didn't go far enough. The 14th amendment reads:
No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Like the days of slavery we are now faced with slave states and free states – abortion havens and abortion free states.
States had recognized pre-born children as "persons" at all stages of pregnancy.
When the 14th Amendment was adopted, the states widely recognized pre-born children as "persons" at all stages of pregnancy.
• Nearly every state had codified criminal prohibitions by statute. At least 28 jurisdictions labeled abortion as "an offense against the person."
• In 23 states and 6 territories, laws referred to the preborn individual as a "child."
• The same Ohio legislature that ratified the 14th Amendment, called abortion at any stage "nothing less than child murder."
California, Vermont, and Michigan approved ballot measures enshrining abortion into their state constitutions, while those in the red states of Montana, Kansas, and Kentucky rejected measures that would have restricted abortion.
A 3-Pronged Strategy
Political - Defeat the constitutional amendments. If Ohio goes so goes the nation like Dominoes.
Prophetic – we are truth-tellers, visionaries, warning the nation by taking it take to the streets, etc.
Pragmatic – we need to prepare for the long run - win or lose.
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