Fermentation 101 Brine Pickles

1 year ago

An introduction to fermentation. A brief history and background of fermentation and a live brine pickle demonstration.

Brine (Sour) Pickles

In a quart jar
2-7 cucumbers depending on size, (sliced or whole) cut the blossom end off
1Tbl coriander
1Tbl pepper corns
3-6 fresh garlic cloves
Onion slices
Fresh dill
1-2 Grape leaves (for tannins) if available
Other tannin containing options:
Oak leaves
Bay leaves
Grape skins
Herbs: cloves, tarragon, cumin, thyme, vanilla, cinnamon
Black tea bag

Brine Solution:
4Tbl Salt
1 Quart non-chlorinated water

Pack ingredients tightly into a quart jar, place a *pickling weight on top
Pour in the brine solution until all ingredients are completely covered
Place an airlock lid on top, or standard mason lid on top (Be sure to BURP the jar at least twice a day with standard mason lid!)
Place jar away from windows on a counter and watch for bubbles to begin.
Your pickles will be ready in 4-10 days!

*If you do not have a pickling weight, you can pack everything in the jar tight enough so the ingredients do not float to the top and stay submerged under the brine. Also using a standard mouth mason jar vs a wide mouth mason jar is helpful to keep ingredient submerged. They are not as convenient to get your pickles out of the jar to eat but they are very helpful to keep them from floating to the top.

Real Food Fermentation by Alex Lewin

Wild Fermentation by Sandor Ellix Katz

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