1 year ago

VIDEO INSPIRATION: Now, I asked the Most-High and his son to send me an angel who could assist me in creating a vision of the world as I see it today. As before, they blessed me with my request, and it has been one of my most extensive projects today. The many iterations it has gone through was taxing, but wonderful along the way. I always enjoy the process far more than the completion. These projects are my love affairs, and once they are completed, I move on to my next affair. Never forgetting the last, but excited about the next.

This society is slowly circling the drain. It was inevitable that man would fulfill all the prophecies of the scripture, but the time was never specified. Not saying the time is now, but given all the events over the past years, one can surmise, that the time has begun. A greater divide will be enacted amongst the people of this Babylonian Civilization, between believers and non-believers. Many are under a great delusion, for which there is no recourse. I hope this video can truly awaken the mind of one individual, to help them understand the reality of WHERE THEY ARE.

The issue people have is the fact of not knowing where they are. If I lived in the woods, and everyday a bear would come and destroy my tent. Should I get mad, and protest, riot, demand retribution for this egregious act? Or, should I realize I LIVE IN THE WOODS. We have to keep in mind we live in Babylon, and all that fact entails. It means you will see all the sins of man displayed in full technicolor. No need to be upset over things you are capable of fixing. No point in marching for things which are already given. No resolve in begging for equality when there’s nothing equal in the entire universe.
Today so-called black people continue to beat their heads against the brick wall of insanity, hoping to one day breakthrough and find a magical cure for what ails their mind. I’m here to tell you, there’s nothing on the other side. You’ve been indoctrinated, manipulated, hypnotized, and intergraded, into a society which is not for you, and never was. You’ve been told lies so much that when a truth is told, madness ensues. Granted, we are all mad, but understanding the madness and embracing it, will help bring sanity back to your conscience mind.

What if I told you we ruled the know earth for thousands of years, and everyone else were slaves under us? Would you believe it? Probably Not! What if I told you the reason, we do no rule today is pursuant to scripture, and our time will come again, pursuant to scripture? Would you believe it? Probably not, unless you have a relationship and understanding of the Laws, Statutes, and Commandments, given to the men created in his image. The only men on this planet who can breed ever shade of color, but no one can breed him.
Last, I hope this video will help people understand that you only have ONE life. Make is the best it can possibly be. Don’t allow demonically possessed people tell you what you should accept and tolerate. No, I do not agree with many lifestyles, but it is not for me to dictate what you do, nor you me. You will have to take that up with God and Jesus, and just so you know, THEY DON’T ACCEPT EXCUSES!

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