Knowing the RIGHT WAY to Leave a BAD Church Body | Stopping the Downward Spiral, Pt. 2

1 year ago

It is devastating when your Church Body has gone astray into false teaching or false practice. This video is about Knowing the Right Way to LEAVE a Bad Church Body. â–¼ Learn More! â–¼

Part One of this Series:
Bookcase Behind Me, Ep. 71:

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Defining Sinful Schism in the Church can be a tight rope to walk. How do we know the right time to leaving a bad church or church body without causing unnecessary conflict? How do you know you have handled conflict in a right and faithful way?

In this video, Pt. 2 of "Stopping the Downward Spiral of the Western Church" we are going to look at how to leave a false Church or Church Body the RIGHT WAY, with gentleness, respect, and loyalty to Jesus Christ and the One Holy Church.

Disclaimer: I am a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America and, unless otherwise stated, my opinions are my own and I do not speak as a representative for my Diocese. That is what my Bishop is for. For more information on the ELDoNA visit

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