Spooled by a Marlin in 2 minutes! Catch and Cook

1 year ago

This Marlin was huge and Spooled us FAST! Then we put the heat to the Yellowfin Tuna in this catch and cook fishing episode
0:33 - The fishing plan
3:46 - Spooled by a Marlin!
6:20 - Catching Tuna and Wahoo
15:02 - Drifting for Yellowfin Tuna
24:04 - Cleaning Fish
28:33 - Cooking Fish

The fishing reels I use in this video:
Get 18% off it with code SFFC18 here: https://bit.ly/3MByRAZ

Cayman Island Fishing Charter (Pierre Lesieur):
Liquidsaltky@gmail.com - 345.517.1110

Originally fishing for tuna and fishing for wahoo we were not ready to hook into a massive marlin which spooled our fishing reel FAST! But we still ended this fishing in the cayman islands trip with a tuna catch and cook.

Want to advertise your product or collaborate on the South Florida Fishing Channel?
Email me: Heiko@southfloridafishingchannel.com


watch me open it on Live Stream. I stream every Wednesday at 8pm EST on this YouTube channel.

Heiko Winkler
100100 Overseas Hwy
PO 370697
Key Largo, FL 33037-9998


Sonar/Rader & Boat Electronics
5% off link: https://www.atlanticrt.com/juicy.html

Subscribe or I'll steal all your bait!

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EPIC time watching a wahoo spool a fishing reel in 2 minutes. Hit the subscribe button to South Florida Fishing Channel catch and cook fishing episodes coming out later this week!

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