DEEP SEA fishing in Jamaica | 1200ft deep | Catch N' Cook

2 years ago

Another WILD time down in Jamaica doing things for the 1st time like Deep Sea Fishing and spearing big spider crabs and Spanish lobster!
Watch this video NOW and immerse yourself in this trip

We start the morning early and head offshore to 1200ft deep water to do some deep dropping. We are looking for cardinal snapper so we can film a deep sea snapper catch and cook episode here on the South Florida Fishing Channel!

We also catch spider crab and spanish lobster in this catch n cook episode. So if you like fishing, fish or crabs and you like to eat good food then stay tuned!

This fishing episode is for you!

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It feels weird calling this an offshore fishing trip because to get to 1200 ft of water is only a mile from land. It's crazy that the offshore fishing adventures is only a stone throw from land.

The deep sea fishing is great for snapper but Jamaica fishing offshore also is some of the worlds best marlin fishing. Wahoo, Mahi and all sorts of pelagic fish.

But on this specific fishing trip we are deep dropping with chicken rigs. We are using tuna for bait and a 2lb weight to get our fishing rig to the bottom. Our electric reels are Tanacom 1000 and we put some great eating fish on the boat for our catch and cook

We cook the snapper several ways in this catch and cook and also make a curry sauce for the spider crab and lobster catch n cook.

Hope you enjoyed this South Florida Fishing Channel episode. Hit LIKE if you did!

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