Tarpon jumps into our boat! Surrounded by sharks

2 years ago

This is a wild adventure on the water as we fish for tarpon and get up close and personal with sharks.
Get our fishing tackle: https://southfloridafishingchannel.com
0:12 the fishing gameplan
2:25 we start fishing
4:30 Tarpon jumps into the boat
7:21 sharks everywhere!
8:17 catching fish

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Heiko Winkler
100100 Overseas Hwy
PO 370697
Key Largo, FL 33037-9998

and watch me open it on Live Stream. I stream every Wednesday at 8pm EST on this YouTube channel.


Fish Pendants: https://www.seashurjewelry.com/
15% off with Code: South Florida Fishing Channel

Sonar/Rader & Boat Electronics
5% off link: https://www.atlanticrt.com/juicy.html

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Watch as we witness a giant tarpon jump right into our boat and see the adrenaline-pumping action as we fend off sharks while fishing.

It's a close encounter with nature that you won't want to miss. Join us for some exciting fishing action, as we also catch some mangrove snapper in the mix. With our expert skills and experience, we share tips and techniques to help you improve your own fishing game.

Be sure to Watch the thrilling moment when the tarpon jumps in our boat! Don't miss out on this unforgettable fishing adventure with the South Florida Fishing Channel.

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