10 Characteristics of a Value Driven Person | Finding the NEXTLevel

1 year ago

Mindset Matters live stream. (https://youtube.com/live/M3DNaDe4CY4?feature=share)

Business Made Simple (https://www.amazon.com/Business-Made-Simple-Leadership-Marketing/dp/B0868V7TZG/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3UPDESCPODGRU&keywords=business+made+simple+donald+miller&qid=1689678234&sprefix=business+made%2Caps%2C174&sr=8-1), by Donald Miller

Mindset (https://www.amazon.com/Mindset-Carol-S-Dweck-audiobook/dp/B07N48NM33/ref=sr_1_3?crid=31PEQXPEUS5TZ&keywords=mindset&qid=1689678245&sprefix=mindset%2Caps%2C134&sr=8-3), by Carol Dweck

In this episode, we delve into the fascinating world of personal and professional development, as we discuss the ten characteristics of a value-driven professional, outlined in Donald Miller's book, Business Made Simple.

First and foremost, as a value-driven professional, it is crucial to recognize your worth and understand that you are an economic product in the open market. This mindset allows you to determine the value you provide and charge accordingly for your services.

Moreover, viewing yourself as a hero rather than a mere pawn in a mission is key to personal growth and fulfillment. By focusing on your own development, you can become the hero of your own story and create a meaningful life.

One important skill that a value-driven professional possesses is the ability to deescalate drama. Conflict is bound to arise in various relationships, and knowing how to address and resolve conflicts effectively is essential.

Feedback is another valuable tool for growth and improvement, and as a value-driven professional, you understand that feedback is a gift. Rather than seeing feedback as a measure of success or failure, it should be viewed as valuable information that guides your future actions.

Conflict resolution is an art that a value-driven professional cultivates. Understanding how to navigate conflict with grace and understanding is crucial, as conflict is inevitable in any setting.

While it may be tempting to strive for popularity, a value-driven professional prioritizes being trusted and respected over being liked. Building trust and earning respect should be the focus, even if it means not being everyone's favorite person.

Taking action is paramount for progress and results. While planning and strategizing are important, ultimately, actions drive growth and success.

Avoiding confusion and making clear decisions is another characteristic of a value-driven professional. Often, confusion is a choice, and letting go of it is necessary for growth and success.

Relentless optimism is a trait that a value-driven professional embodies. Seeing challenges as opportunities and constantly seeking new possibilities are essential for growth and maximizing present opportunities.

Lastly, a growth mindset is a fundamental aspect of being a value-driven professional. Embracing challenges, learning from failures, and continuously seeking self-improvement are all part of this mindset.

To delve deeper into these concepts, we invite you to visit our YouTube channel, where we recently hosted a live stream titled "Mindset Matters." Additionally, you can find links to all the recommended resources and books mentioned in the show notes.

By embodying these characteristics, you can become a value-driven professional who continuously works towards personal and professional growth. Remember, it's about being 1% better every day and doing good work.

Episode link: https://play.headliner.app/episode/15874997?utm_source=youtube

(video made with https://www.headliner.app)

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