MR. NON-PC - They "Had To Take" The Easy Bake Oven Vaccine

1 year ago

If you're a regular viewer of yours truly Mr. Non-PC, then you'll know that I've been against the CovidCult and the Easy Bake Oven Vaccine since day 1!

I'm a proud "pureblood" and I'm not afraid to tell anyone the sad truth about the CovidCult and the destruction it caused on many levels.

Now I know I'm not the only one who has friends or people they know that got duped into the CovidCult or taking "the easy bake oven vaccine" because their wife or husband or job strong-armed them into it. But they all have the same one liner when you ask them why they took it.

"I had to take it" they usually reply with.....hahaha......uhhhhh, no you didn't!

And it's so sad how so many caved to the peer pressured campaign by the satanic U.S Government, CDC and the Helter/Skelter-Race-Baiting-White and Christian-Hating and Straight Hating Media too!

And the best thing to tell these people is: " didn't have to take it, you chose to take it"

The best thing to do is to stay vigilant and stand your ground about the "plandemic" and let the majority know that it was never a "pandemic" and it was nothing more than a gigantic FAILURE!!!

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