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與布茲·奧爾德林和達納·卡維一起回歸。 我手裡拿著一份《聖巴巴拉新聞》,是你們登陸月球的那一天。 這裡有一篇文章我覺得很有趣。 據說在你們登陸月球的同一天,俄羅斯人將 Luna 15 號墜毀在月球上。 15?(揚聲器)是的。 這並不是很多人真正聽說過的事情。 嗯,有很多事情被認為是人們沒有聽說過的。 蘇聯的希望現在寄託在月球 15 號上。月球 15 號的質量為十二半千磅,即剛剛超過 5600 公斤。(揚聲器)它配備了立體成像系統、用於樣本收集的遙控臂和輻射探測器,因此 該航天器可以研究引力場、拍攝月球照片並收集泥土進行分析。 1969 年 7 月 13 日,月球 15 號的大小約為阿波羅登陸器的三分之一,由質子 K block D 火箭從比基努爾發射場發射升空。與此同時,阿波羅 11 號及其三名宇航員乘坐巨大的肯尼迪航天中心升空。 7 月 16 日,土星五號火箭。 這是第五次阿波羅載人任務,也是第一次嘗試在月球上軟著陸。 美國發射的第二天,月球十五號抵達月球軌道。(演講者)看起來蘇聯將贏得岩石競賽。 蘇聯地面控制中心計劃於7月18日和19日對飛船進行兩次軌道修正。 但月球地形的崎嶇是一個問題。 很快就要面對阿波羅十一號,這導致了延誤。 管制員必須花費近四天的時間研究數據才能製定著陸計劃。(演講者)當蘇聯人努力解決地形問題時,美國人取得了優勢。 7 月 19 日。 當月球十五號繞月飛行時,阿波羅十一號也進入月球軌道。 在100英里的高度。 在軌道上,指揮艙哥倫比亞號與最後一個廢火箭級分離,掉頭與鷹號著陸器對接。(演講者)第二天,7月20日,鷹號與哥倫比亞號分離,開始下降到月球表面,著陸 2017 年由尼爾·阿姆斯特朗 (Neil Armstrong) 負責操控。 四人向前,向右漂移。 背光很少。 好的,發動機停止。 我們將您抄下來,鷹。(發言者)這裡是寧靜基地。 鷹已著陸。 1969 年 7 月 21 日零時 256 分,著陸後六個半小時,尼爾·阿姆斯特朗 (Neil Armstrong) 在巴茲·奧爾德林 (Buz Aldrin) 的跟隨下,在月球上邁出了第一步。考慮到月球土壤的重要性,阿姆斯特朗在袋子裡收集了一小份樣本,以備不時之需。 在計劃進一步的 EVA 之前,任務被中止。 看來美國已經贏得了岩石競賽。(演講者)但是蘇聯還沒有退出競賽。 當阿姆斯特朗和奧爾德林在月球上行走時,月球 15 號正準備在 7 月 21 日 1540 點著陸,7 小時,月球 15 號啟動了其主復古火箭發動機,開始降落到月球表面。 但下降四分鐘後,傳輸突然停止。 這艘飛船在距離月球表面 9 英里或 3 公里的高度失控下降,大約 300 艘飛船很可能撞擊了克里西姆海的一座山的一側。 月球 15 號墜毀後不到 2 小時,美國人就啟程回家了。(演講者)當鷹號於 1750 年 7 月 21 日 4 小時從月球表面升空時,阿姆斯特朗和奧爾德林收集了 47 磅半或 21.55 磅的月球表面材料,這些材料的價值 地球上的科學家們知道了它的黃金重量。 因此,美國人不僅贏得了載人登月的競賽,而且還贏得了岩石的競賽。 蘇聯航天器甚至被拍到飛越美國之鷹著陸器的畫面。(演講者)就這樣,伙計們。
Back with Buz Aldrin and Dana carvey. I'm holding a copy of the Santa Barbara News here from this is the day that you landed on the Moon. And there's an article in here I found interesting. It says that on the same day you guys landed on the moon, the Russians crash landed a Luna 15 on the Moon. 15?(Speaker)Yeah. And that's not really something that many people really hear about. Well, there are a lot of things think that was about that people haven't heard about. Soviet hopes now rested on Lunar 15. Lunar 15 had a mass of twelve and a half thousand pounds, or just over 5600 kg.(Speaker)It was fitted with stereo imaging system, a remote arm for sample collection, and a radiation detector so the spacecraft could investigate gravitational fields, photograph the moon and scoop up dirt for analysis. Around a third the size of the Apollo lander, lunar 15 was launched atop a proton K block D rocket from the Bikinur launch site on the 13 July 1969. Meanwhile, Apollo Eleven and its three astronauts lifted off from the Kennedy Space Center atop a massive Saturn Five rocket on the 16 July. It was the fifth crewed Apollo mission and the first to attempt the soft landing on the moon. The day after the American launch, Lunar 15 arrived in moon orbit.(Speaker)It looked as though the Soviet Union would win the race for the rocks. Soviet ground control planned to carry out two orbital corrections to the spaceship on the 18th and 19 July. But the ruggedness of the lunar terrain was a problem. Soon to be faced by Apollo Eleven prompted a delay. The controllers had to spend nearly four days studying data to map out a landing plan.(Speaker)While the Soviets worked to solve the terrain issue, the Americans gained the edge. On the 19 July. While Lunar 15 was orbiting the moon, apollo Eleven entered lunar orbit as well. At an altitude of 100 miles. During orbit, the command module Columbia, separated from the last spent rocket stage, turned around and docked with the Eagle lander.(Speaker)The next day, 20 July, Eagle separated from Columbia and began its descent to the lunar surface, touching down with Neil Armstrong at the controls at 2017 hours. Four forward, drifting to the right. Little on backlight. Okay, engine stop. We copy you down, Eagle.(Speaker)Tranquility Base here. The eagle has landed. Six and a half hours after landing, Neil Armstrong, followed by Buz Aldrin, took his first step on the moon at zero 256 hours, 21 July 1969. Mindful of the importance of lunar soil, armstrong collected a small sample in a bag in case a mission was aborted before further EVAs were planned. It appeared as though the United States had won the race for the rocks.(Speaker)But the Soviet Union was not out of the race just yet. While Armstrong and Aldrin were walking around on the moon, lunar 15 was being prepped for landing at 1540 7 hours on 21 July, Lunar 15 fired its main retro rocket engine to initiate descent to the surface. But four minutes into its descent, transmission suddenly ceased. The spacecraft, at an altitude of one 9 miles or 3 km above the moon's surface descending out of control at about 300 spaceship most probably impacted the side of a mountain in the Mare Chrysium. Less than 2 hours after Lunar 15 had crashed the Americans departed for home.(Speaker)When Eagle lifted off from the lunar surface at 1750 4 hours 21 July armstrong and Aldrin had collected 47 and a half pounds or 21.55 moon surface material that was worth its weight in gold to scientists back on Earth. So the Americans not only won the race to put a man on the moon but they also won the race for the rocks. The Soviet spacecraft was even captured on film flying over the American Eagle lander.(Speaker)That's all, folks.
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