Curious Cockatoo Is Blown Away By Steam In The Kitchen

8 years ago

Doesn't this steam look so fascinating? It definitely looks fascinating to this adorable cockatoo named GIZMO. This is its first time ever seeing steam. He seems very fascinated. He stretches his head out as much as he can, trying to get closer and closer to the steam. Gizmo really wants to take a bite out of this steam, he tries with all his might to eat the steam with his beak but it doesn't seem to be working out. Gizmo is also very flexible! He turns his head trying to get even closer to the steam, so hilarious. He is one interesting bird!

Cockatoo's are very affectionate animals. They usually have very strong lifetime bonds with their owners. Sometimes cockatoo's will get very sad if you're not near them or showing them enough attention so give them as much love as you can! They eat fruits, nuts, seeds and insects. They are very intelligent creatures but they don't like to get bored, they love to have lots of excitement in their lives!

Do you love cockatoos but just don't have enough time to take care of them? Check out this adorable cockatoo stuffed animal that is a great cuddle buddy!

Have you seen other funny moments like this one before? Let us know in the comment section down below!

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