Medical Kidnapping of Baby Cyrus and Government Subsidized Child Kidnapping

1 year ago

MUST SEE VIDEO! Diego Rodriguez talks about his terrifying experience of his grandson being medically kidnapped. This story has made national and even international news, and has been featured by news outlets all over the country—with some believing that this is now the highest profile Child Protective Services (CPS) kidnapping case in American history. You will discover how the "system" is incentivized, literally paid by the government to remove your child from your home and put into the foster care system. This will completely change the way you see our government and the system that we thought was there to protect our children.
Check this link to hear more and to see the actual kidnapping of baby Cyrus
Please consider donating to help Baby Cyrus and his family

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Lisa Schermerhorn's info:
Lisa has over 20 years’ experience as a transformational leader, award-winning speaker, best-selling author and expert in human behavior, and how people are programmed. She was V.P. of Business Development for an innovative start-up company using virtual reality to help clients with pain reduction, memory loss and stress reduction. Lisa is a WHY Coach, a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Energy Medicine Practitioner, Shamanic Practitioner and a Certified Hypnotherapist. She helps people go from where they are to where they want to be much faster than conventional coaches. Lisa’s recent speaking engagements include Lewis Herms Truth Tour, bLU Talks at Columbia University and Harvard University.

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