Best Indoor Plants To Have That Won't Die On You

8 years ago

If you're a fan of having plants around the house, this is a must-see list! Check it out and let us know which one's your favorite.

Placing plants around your house or living area can really liven the place up a bit. Give the place a really cozy feel and make it seem more comfortable. Most people love having plants around the house, maybe in the corner, sitting by the window, or in the bathroom. The trouble with owning plants is that they can be somewhat high maintenance. If you leave out of town, you have to find someone to water them or care for them, much like having a pet. Sometimes you are just too busy or always forget to maintain your plants around the house.

Some people feel the trouble of keeping these plants alive is sometimes not worth the beauty they bring around the house. Well this video is great for everyone with that mentality! This video is all about plants to keep indoors that won’t die on you! The makers of this video, “First To Know”, even claim that if these plants die on you, then maybe you aren’t meant to be taking care of anything!

This video is perfect for people who want to spruce up their home, without worrying about maintaining the plants. Some these plants you may never heard of, but they all seem like they would really add some character around the house. Some of the plants here are lucky bamboo and bonsai tree. These are some common plants as they are commonly known and they look very nice. For these just put some water in your vase or pot and let the plants do their thing! The Lucky Bamboo can even grow pretty and even coil like a spiral!

Some of the stranger plants in this video include the Croton. This is a small plant that can differ in leaf colors as they can range from yellow-green to a reddish color. They are native to India and Malaysia and in fact be poisonous. They aren’t deadly, but you might want to keep your pets or children away. A poisonous plant might not be the best idea, but if you are careful with and like the look then maybe you’d like it!

Another common plant is the Philodendron. This name probably doesn’t ring a bell to you but you have most likely seen it. It’s a leafy plant that sort of droops and you can usually find it near a bookshelf or hanging from the ceiling! It is very known for its leaves and it can also get pretty big.

If you are an insect lover, the video also recommends the Spider Plant. Another commonly seen plant, its leaves are long and thing and hang down like an upside spider. These two are sure to spice up any living room!

This is a great video for anyone trying to brighten up their living room, bed room, or dining area. Definitely have a watch if you aren’t too knowledgeable about plants and would love a quick little list about some plant options. These are all nice looking and they are easy to maintain, perfect for a plant novice!

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