Eyes On The Stars ... weekly vibes July 18th 2023 Our Changing Nodes

1 year ago

Changing Of The Guard… The Nodal Shift Aries/Libra 
On July 18th 2023, at 5.59 am AEST (Australia), the nodes will change signs, leading us through an 18-month cycle of further evolution and direction. This article highlights the possible changes we could see entering our awareness.

What are the qualities of the nodal shifts on the collective?
What will be left behind, and what will be garnered going forward? 
In fashion 
In food
In the environment
In the psychology of collective thinking 
In characteristics of the human psyche 

The Aries North Node prompts a shift towards self-discovery, asserting individual needs, and cultivating self-esteem. This transition may involve letting go of codependency and emphasising self-reliance and personal growth.

The Libra South Node on the collective represents qualities that may be leaving or needing to be transformed as society moves towards its Aries North Node. Here are some general aspects to consider:

Regarding fashion, Aries North Node on the collective may inspire bold and edgy styles. People may be drawn to expressive and individualistic outfits, embracing vibrant colours and daring patterns. The fashion industry may shift towards innovative and pioneering designs.

In food, Aries North Node on the collective may encourage a preference for spicy and bold flavours. People might be more interested in exploring new and exotic cuisines and seeking adventurous dining experiences. The emphasis might be on quick and energetic culinary experiences.

Regarding the environment, Aries North Node on the collective could bring a renewed focus on environmental activism and sustainability. There may be a push for taking direct action to preserve the planet, emphasising the importance of individual responsibility and encouraging innovative solutions.

Regarding the psychology of collective thinking, Aries North Node may bring a desire for independence, assertiveness, and self-expression. People may be inspired to take charge of their own lives, fostering a sense of self-confidence and empowerment. 
This could result in a collective shift towards individualistic goals and a willingness to stand up for personal beliefs.

To continue reading, head on over to my website blog!

And so it is

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