EMJ Live #19: Was John the Apostle an Anti-Semite? (RE-UPLOAD)

1 year ago

This re-upload of EMJ Live 19 is due to recent claims by Jonathan Greenblatt and the ADL. On July 16th 2023, Mr. Greenblatt posted a tweet condemning Dr. Jones. This tweet contained a link to the ADL website with a dossier on E. Michael Jones which made some interesting claims:

"In his writings, Jones has claimed that his views on Jews are not based on racial theories and that he is “anti-Jewish” but not “anti-semitic.” During an April 2023 podcast, however, Jones undermined this claim when he stated, “The Jewish people are defined by their DNA. They have defective DNA so they can’t help themselves but be subversive people.” He engages with a wide range of individuals both in the U.S. and abroad whose racism, antisemitism and xenophobia are unmistakable."

We have found the April podcast in question, and for the sake of openness and full disclosure, we at Culture Wars have decided to re-upload the episode on all of our platforms. The "unmistakable" "xenophobic," "racist," and "anti-semitic" statment begins at 29:35.

Greenblatt Tweet: https://twitter.com/JGreenblattADL/status/1680631883049181189
ADL's statement on Jones: https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounder/e-michael-jones
Original EMJ Live 19 Upload: https://odysee.com/@E.MichelJones:f/EMJ-Live-19:1
E. Michael Jones Books: https://www.fidelitypress.org/
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