1 year ago

LIFE AS CAROLA, gives a fascinating glimpse into life in Italy, just before the advent of the Renaissance. As a child growing up in Edwardian England, Joan Grant became aware of an astonishing ability to remember previous live times, and as an author professed her seven novels to be based on her personal recollections of other incarnations, male and female.
Joan was born 1907 and passed in 1989. and throughout her life she was preoccupied with the subject of ethics, to her it represented the fundamental and timeless code of attitudes and behaviour towards one another on which the health of the individual and society depends.
Her father was a man of such intellectual brilliance in the fields of mathematics and engineering that he was appointed a fellow of Kings College while still in his twenties. Joan's formal education was limited to what she absorbed from a series of governesses, although she felt she learned far more from after dinner conversations at home, between her father and his fellow scientists.
Here she is Carola, illegitimate child of Lord of the Griffin in sixteenth century Italy. Cast out at an early age, she joined a band of strolling players. In her short lifetime, Carola gathers harsh experiences of poverty, violence, and bigotry, softened by the friendship with Petrruchio. She joins Petrruchio, both Jester and Sage, with Bernard, the gentle strongman, and Lucia, the harlot who loves him, and with healer Sofia, whose fate warns Carola to keep quiet about her dreams of the Shining One who guides and comforts her. This is a book filled with all the best qualities of human nature..
Chapter 22-part 3 EXILES FROM EDEN

Carola had been working in the herb garden of the Convent of the White Sisters. Unfortunately she was tortured as she had bravely helped Nun Francesca with her baby and was tortured by the nuns as consequence . She survived and Carlos Di Ludovici rescues her and they got married her to protect her. Carola tells him of Lucia
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I believe we can find characters in Joan Grants Books who resemble energies which are now on this planet (they probably have always been but we all live in our own world ) With the ever prominent main stream media diverting and directing peeps thoughts, we have probably been mind controlled for more than 500 years. Thankfully the internet can be used for good as much as for bad and so the battle continues. Alas, ultimately it is between you and God - Knowledge is Power but make sure where you get it from, is clean......all that 'Glitters' is not gold...
I have been reading other books, which for me were interesting and
you will find them on this utube channel under playlists https://www.youtube.com/@highkeyemoven1038/playlists
and my Bitchute , as well as on my old Utube Heikesdrumshare.
I also read my own book aloud - "Bliss after Life" which is in the playlist also in German
• Bliss After Life ... and the follow up
"Lydia "
and others - Harry Edwards "Life in Spirit" was wonderful
and 2 more of Joan Grants books - "Scarlet Feather" and "As Moses was born " Both brilliant
I hope you enjoy my reading, i do love it:)

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