Sam Shamoun Explaining HELL In The New & Old Testament From The Bible | Did Jesus Entering HELL?

1 year ago

Sam Shamoun explains the 3 key aspects of hell and talks about the different words (hades & sheol) used in the old testament in different bible translations. He also explains certain verses and how the KJV bible is the best bible translation and uses the word hell in the old testament. He also explains how God & Jesus in Hell.

0:00 - 3 Key Aspects Of Hell
1:35 - The Early Church & The Bible
2:40 - Issues With Bible Translations On Hell
3:35 - In The KJV Translation Hell = Sheol & Hades
3:45 - What Sheol & Hades Mean In Modern Translations
5:30 - KJV Version Of (Deuteronomy 32.22)
6:05 - NAB Version of (Deuteronomy 32.22)
7:45 - Different Translation Of (Deuteronomy 32.22)
8:15 - Why The KJV Version is The Best Reference For Hell
9:54 - 2 Samuel 22.5-6
10:27 - Job 11.7-9
11:20 - Job 26.6
11:36 - Pslams 9.16-17
12:49 - Was Jesus In Hell? Pslams 16.10
13:54 - Psalms 55.15
14:37 - Psalms 86.13
15:39 - Adultery & Hell ( Proverbs 5.5)
16:43 - Adultery & Hell pt.2 (Proverbs 7.27)
17:09 - Proverbs 9.18
17:50 - Proving KJV Is The Best (Proverbs 15.11-24)
18:40 - Proverbs 27.20
19:32 - How This Passage Proves Hell In The Old Testament (Revelation 9)
23:24 - KJV Translators Are Correct That Sheol & Hades = Hell In Old Testament
24:17 - Is God In Hell? (Psalms 139.7-12) (Revelation 14.9-11)

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