Look I am a Cat

1 year ago

Dont mind me just playing a Game I have not played in a While

the Core Values of the Divine tool box

Practicality: Emphasize the value of practicality and utility. Encourage Fallowers to prioritize functionality, efficiency, and the ability to address real-world needs in their actions and decisions.

Resourcefulness: Promote resourcefulness as a core value. Encourage followers to use the tools at their disposal to find innovative solutions, overcome challenges, and make the most of available resources.

Craftsmanship: Highlight the importance of craftsmanship and taking pride in one's work. Encourage followers to strive for excellence, attention to detail, and the pursuit of mastery in their respective trades or endeavors.

Collaboration: Foster a sense of collaboration and cooperation among followers. Emphasize the value of working together, sharing knowledge and skills, and pooling resources to achieve common goals.

Responsibility: Advocate for responsible tool usage and a sense of personal accountability. Encourage followers to handle tools safely, respect their power, and use them ethically and responsibly.

Adaptability: Stress the importance of adaptability and versatility. Encourage followers to embrace change, be open to new ideas and approaches, and be willing to learn and grow in the face of challenges.

Empowerment: Empower followers to recognize their own abilities and the potential within themselves and their tools. Encourage self-reliance, confidence, and the belief that individuals have the power to shape their own lives through the effective use of their tools.

Stewardship: Encourage followers to be good stewards of the environment and the tools they use. Advocate for sustainable practices, responsible consumption, and the preservation of resources for future generations.

Inclusivity: Promote inclusivity and respect for diversity among followers. Emphasize that everyone, regardless of their background or skills, has something valuable to contribute to the community and the world.

Gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the tools and the opportunities they provide. Encourage followers to express gratitude for the abilities they possess and the blessings they receive through the Toolbox God's guidance.

These core values can serve as guiding principles for the followers of the Divine Toolbox


Donation only Via E-transfer to saerautomotive@outlook.com
Paypal saercontracting@outlook.com
Stream labs https://streamlabs.com/alexiasaer

cut the middle man out this way and keeps it discrete
and At the start of all my Streams I will do shout outs to all donations
and also answer any questions you you have that I can

about me
my career for the last 40 years has been a Heavy Duty millwright mechanic and a red Sealed Carpenter
I am laid back very opinionated older person and I am OLD school


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