Prophet Julie Green - The Great Dam of Lies is Breaking - With Notes and Closed Captions

1 year ago

Good morning, everybody! Today is Friday, June 23rd, 2023, and again, yesterday I said something about wanting to do a question-answering livestream today, and I might get to that. But the Lord really has it on my heart to do this prophetic word. It's a very short prophetic word, but I do have to do this prophetic word, and so I wanted to let you guys know that I will be doing this prophetic word, and it's actually called "The Great Dam of Lies is Breaking." This is the first prophetic word I heard on June 9th. I heard, I think, two or three that day. Two were on our prayer call, and this one I actually heard in prayer that morning. It's very short, about a page long, but it's extremely powerful.

And when I was praying this morning and wanted to do the question and answering, and just asking Him what He wanted me to say and what He wanted me to do, of course in the studies and the scriptures that He had me in this morning, and He changed it. He really wanted me to give this prophetic word out. And again, this is His ministry, and I want to do what He wants me to do and when He wants me to do it. So I will read this prophetic word out, give the scriptures that He has me to give to you today, and then if I can, if I have time, then I will go through some question answers. If not, then I will make sure next week that I will do one of these, because there are so many frequently asked questions that we are getting in with people writing in letters that are people are sending in by our website, answering, asking questions. So many questions, again, it's the same ones over and over and over again, and I really want to get to those because I just feel like there are so many questions that people are just asking that they just don't feel like they're getting the answers to. And so I do want to do one of these this day. I might try to get on to see if I can get on some of these live chats and see today if I can answer a few questions for you, but we will see how the Lord wants to do it today.

But again, before I get to this prophetic word, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at on our contact page, or you can write to us at Julie Green Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807. Alright, now, I'm going to get to this prophetic word, and it's called "The Great Dam of Lies is Breaking."

"A great dam is breaking, a great dam of lies that has enslaved a nation, a great dam of lies that has stolen a nation, a dam of lies that has controlled the world, a dam of lies that has manipulated the global economy, a dam of lies that has held back justice, held back liberty, and held back freedom. Well, that dam is breaking. There are cracks in the foundation, there are cracks in the walls, and the dam of lies is about to burst open and truth to flood the airwaves, truth to flood nations, will flood churches. Truth will flood everywhere to bring a great cleansing upon this Earth."

A cleansing in your souls, a cleansing in your body, a cleansing in your finances, a cleansing in your governments, a cleansing in your schools, a cleansing everywhere to usher in my glory, a Great Awakening, and a great Revival that the world has never seen. It's coming. It's all coming to a close, and it's near. Of the condition the world is in now, brace for this impact, brace for this flood, brace for the ships, brace for the coming destruction of the great reset that has been afflicting this world. I am bringing them all down in front of your eyes, and the world will see my splendor, my glory, my power, my hand, and it will bring people to their knees rushing into churches once again.

My children, get prepared now for the flood of people that are about to flood into churches. Get ready spiritually to be able to receive this flood of this Great Harvest. Walk close with me in these days. You will need my power, my peace, my joy, and I have it all for you now, saith the Lord your Redeemer.

Again, it's not a very long word, but one of the things again, he named this word "The Great Dam of Lies is Breaking." So what's the purpose of a dam? The purpose of the dam is to hold back a body of water in a certain area. It's very powerful how it can hold back the water. Well, there has been lies, a dam of lies, that God has been saying that has been controlling this Earth, that's been trying to stop truth, that's been trying to stop the will of God. But it's not working. There are cracks in this dam. Things are falling apart, just like the walls of Jericho that God has mentioned so many different times in these different prophetic words and the teachings that He's had me teach you guys a lot lately is the walls of Jericho. No matter how thick, no matter how impenetrable something looks, no matter how much power they think they have, no matter what they have on their side, nothing is comparable to the power of Almighty God.

And so God is saying that these things are going, this dam is going to break wide open, and the truth, the truth that has been tried to be held back or tried to be suppressed, is no longer going to be held back and no longer going to be suppressed. But our job to do in this time is what do you say in this last paragraph, is to walk close with me. That's what He's saying. Walk close with me in these days. You will need my power, my peace, my joy, and I have it all for you now. That's what He's giving us, these marching orders, decrees, declarations, prophetic words, these Revelations from heaven. So we know Him more, so we have the opportunity to walk with Him closer. It's all about God, and it is God's will. It's not man's will. It is God's will that will be done on Earth.

Okay, He's just giving me another scripture. Okay, this is something that I've given you guys a scripture many times. It says in Psalm that the Earth He's given to the children of men. Okay, the Earth is given to the children of men. But this is something that He is just now giving to me to read to you. This was not a scripture that I had written down. Okay, Matthew, Matthew 18. Now listen to this. We have more power than we know that God has given to us because of the name of Jesus. He says in Matthew 18:18, "Truly, I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper, unlawful on Earth, must be what is already forbidden in heaven. And whatever you permit and declare proper and lawful on Earth must be what is already permitted in heaven."

So He's telling us we can forbid, we can, or in other words, we can deny what is already denied in heaven. Remember, lies are not as powerful as truth. And if we start denying or forbidding the power of these lies or the enemy's power whatsoever and anything that's holding them up in a wall that's protecting them, any power that they have...

If we are forbidding it, you know it's already forbidden in heaven because it's so unlawful, it's so evil, and it's injustice. You see that going on all over the world today, and God is saying what I tell you, whatever you forbid, we have that power and authority. Remember in Luke 10:19, we have all power and authority and dominion over all the power that the enemy possesses. And he says that nothing shall in any way harm you. That's the Amplified version of Luke 10:19. You have power, authority, and dominion over all the power of the enemy. And then he says here in Matthew 18, truly I tell you, whatever you forbid and declare to be improper and unlawful on Earth must be what is already forbidden in heaven. Well, it already is. We know that this evil that's running rampant all over the world is already forbidden in heaven. We already know that lawlessness and injustice are already forbidden in heaven. So we have the power and authority to forbid it and deny its power or deny its access and ability over us, or over our families, or over our finances, over our nations. We have that right, power, and authority and dominion because what God has given to us.

Then he says in verse 19, again I tell you if two of you on Earth, well there's more than two of us here right now. I don't know how many are watching right now because I don't have the Rumble chat up. But how many of us are watching? But it says, again I tell you if two of you on Earth agree, harmonize together, make a symphony together, and whatever anything and everything that they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by my Father in heaven. And then verse 20, if whatever two or three are gathered, drawn together as followers into my name, there I am in the midst of them. So if we are united in speaking the written word of God, united in believing and trusting in what God is saying, what is God saying to us in this very day? The dam of lies, the enemy has built up, the ones that have been keeping them in powerful positions, the ones that have been enslaving people, the ones that have been cheating people out of what's rightfully theirs in every area of our lives, the ones that have been controlling the world's economic system, the ones that have been trying to control the schools and what's in the schools, the ones that have been trying to control the governments around the world, that wall or that dam is breaking. And God is saying truth is going to flood this Earth, and what is truth? Truth sets people free. So what God needs us, as soldiers of the Most High God, to do is to speak the words that God wants us to speak. He wants us to deny the enemy's lies, to keep permitting or keeping them in power, or to keep the narrative that is going on in social media, or going on in our governments, or going on in the schools, or going on that's around the country, around the world. God is saying, you have power and authority to deny its access and ability, to keep its power over you.

So instead of, so I think he's been saying yesterday or the day before, that he used an example, if we complain, we remain. So God is saying, if you forbid, deny access, tear the walls of the enemy down, then it will break this entire dam completely wide open. The more we speak what God wants us to speak, the faster we will receive the results of what God wants manifesting. Because what He needs is, He needs men, or He says, He's given the Earth to the sons of men. He says in Genesis 1:26 that we are made in His image and likeness, and He has given us power and authority and dominion. He even says in Genesis chapter 1, verse 26, it says He's given us complete authority and dominion. We are not just sitting here having to be subject to these overlords, if you will. You have to be subject to that. But God is saying, we have power, authority, and dominion. And then of course, Luke 10:19. Read Genesis 1:26-28, it gives you all the time. Luke 10:19, get that down on the inside of you. And then also read Matthew 18:18-20. Because it's showing you, you don't have to put up with everything that's going on. And then you could also read James 4:7, resist the devil and he must flee. He doesn't have a choice. Remember, in the armor of Almighty God, you have the two-edged sword, which is the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. We have the Word of God, which is a weapon against our enemy.

And something else, I know people, because it's looking worse, because there looks like more injustice, it looks like evil's getting worse, it looks like it's darker, it looks like things are going backwards, things are getting and going in the opposite direction of prayer. Because sometimes that can happen when you're praying about a certain situation, it actually can look worse before it gets better. And the reason for that is because that's what your enemy is trying to do, is to throw as much pressure and as much circumstances in your face, or the fiery darts. That's why we have a shield of faith. Faith. He tries to throw all these things at you in order for you to see how much you are going to take before you break. His ultimate plan is to break you. And God is saying, He has given you every strength. He's given you His strength.

He's giving you his peace. He's giving you his ability to stand in the midst of all the things that the enemy is doing so you can stand in the midst of all this and say, "I will not be moved, no matter what he throws at you." But people are getting really frustrated because they're seeing we have a two-tier justice system in this country. They're saying that the economy is getting worse, inflation is getting worse, the shortages are getting worse, or evil is going crazy and what they're doing against our laws, all these different things.

He gave me something this morning, and this is what people have been praying. In 2 Chronicles chapter 7, in verse 14, "If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." If my people who are called by my name, now look, we are called by his name. If we shall humble ourselves, pray, seek, crave, require of necessity his face, turn from our wicked ways, then he will hear. Now, most people think because they're praying for God to heal their land, but it looks like it's getting more wicked. Well, if we turn ourselves from our wicked ways, if we look to God, if we're asking God to forgive us, if we're asking God to forgive those people that are doing these things, if we're asking God to forgive our nations from what they have done by turning and turning away from Him, by actually just kicking Him out of every walk of our nation, of everything that our nation stands for, if we turn from that, we've been praying in this country, I know here in the United States of America, and I know people are watching worldwide, we've been praying for this country, we've been praying for people to turn back, we've been praying for God because we are one nation under God, but it doesn't look like it right now, it looks like we're one nation under someone else, under evil rule. But God said if we turn from our wicked ways, we can pray, and He said what we can do is we pray, He will heal our land. We're just waiting for Him to heal our land.

But a lot of people think because it looks so much worse that God is turning His face from us and He's not going to heal our land, and that's not what He said. He's told us that He is rising up this nation, He is going to heal this land, He said He's going to heal the nations around the world, He is going to deliver, He's going to set free. He's been saying that, He says it in His Word. It also says in His Word, in Jeremiah 1:12, "Then the Lord said to me, 'You have seen well, for I am alert and active, watching over my word to perform it.' God is watching over His word to perform it.

And something else that He's been saying, now He's talking about a dam of lies in this prophetic word. Well, if you go to Luke 12, in verse 2, now listen to what it says here, "For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known." So, what this scripture is talking about is every lie will be revealed. And with this prophetic word, we talked about a great dam of lies is breaking. Lies have been hidden, they have been suppressed, they have been buried under many different things. They've been in dark, dark places that our enemies think that no one will ever find and truth will never be acknowledged, it'll never be known, it'll never be exposed. And God is saying, "Oh no, it doesn't matter how dark, it doesn't matter where they buried it, it doesn't matter how many closed doors they've been behind, it doesn't matter where they put all these things." He's saying every lie will be revealed, and when you have every lie being revealed, that means truth is going to be told, and the truth is what sets people free.

So we have to know that God does have a plan. And one of the questions we get more, I mean, we've gotten it a lot, I've gotten this question a lot, "When is God going to do something, Julie? When is He going to do something? We can't take anymore. It's been going on too long. It's been getting worse." And people say, "I can't take this anymore. I can't take this anymore." Yes, you can, because God's given you the ability to endure. But God is never late, even though it may look like it's late right now, it may look like it's past anything for it to happen, for it to do any good. But God is saying every lie is going to be uncovered, it's going to be revealed, and the power that the enemy has been keeping people up in these positions everywhere around the world, that power is breaking. Because the more we get in alignment with Almighty God, the more we speak truth, the more we forbid, the more we deny, the more we take back the power, authority, dominion that God has already given to us, that has already spoken in His Word. And remember, He is one who says in His Word, again, "He is watching over my word to perform it."

It also says in Isaiah 55 that God's word does not return to Him void. It doesn't. So God's word, He's faithful to perform it, and God's word does not return to Him void. So He's saying every lie, here in Luke 12, every lie is going to be revealed, it's going to be uncovered. Then Luke 8 and verse 17, Luke 8 and verse 17, "For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light." Remember, God is light. We're supposed to be salt and light in this world. Because God is on the inside of us, we're supposed to let God's light shine through us. But everything that the enemies have done, every plan that they have made, everything that they have done against justice, against life, against blessing, against truth, is going to come down and it's going to be exposed, it's going to be revealed.

A lot of people, I know, also are getting frustrated because they're seeing a lot of these exposures that God is talking about. Because prophecy is being fulfilled all the time, all the time. There are so many different prophetic words that He gave last year, even beginning of last year and the end of 2021, that are being and coming to pass right now with like Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and what's going on with the FBI and the CIA. Those prophetic words were talked about, and God is saying, "You see the exposure? He told you that the exposures were going to happen, even though it was a year and a half ago when He first started speaking about them. Now we're starting to see the exposure."

But people are getting really offended, they're getting really upset, they're throwing the towel in because they just don't understand how all these exposures are being out in the open. Truth is being told, but it looks like nothing is being done about it because you have an evil and corrupt DOJ, and you have the FBI and the CIA that's on the side of the people that are holding the corruption in our place, in our country, and they're all together. It's like they build up this big, huge wall of protection. So if one form of protection doesn't work, they have another one, they have another one. Kind of like if you watch Star Wars, if you watch Star Trek, whatever, and they have that outer shield of the ships, and that was a defense. Well, that's what these people seem like they have all the time. Because no matter what is said about them, it's like they have another layer of protection, and it keeps them from falling or it keeps them from being thrown in jail or whatever, arrested. It doesn't matter, it seems like they always get away with stuff no matter what they do. The truth is out there, but it doesn't look like anything's being done.

Remember, even though there are corrupt judges upon this Earth, and in every country, not even just this one, but there are corrupt judges in this Earth, there's corrupt DOJ, there's things that are going on that's not with what God's saying, justice. God's the God of justice. God is the God of justice, and God is the ultimate judge, and so even though when you have men that will not uphold the law, God is the ultimate judge, and He's the ultimate say-so. And so you see these things that are going on that's corrupt, the corruption is absolutely out of control. And I, myself, I never thought in a million years that I would ever see this much corruption. I'm sure you guys thought the same thing. You never thought that you'd ever see this much corruption as bad as it is right now upon this Earth.

But God, and that's what we all have to remind ourselves, but God. God is the one who rules. God is the one who judges. It even says in Psalm 75 and verse 7, I quote this a lot, "But God is the judge. He puts down one and lifts up another." So there's a lot of corruption. There's a lot of corrupt things that are going on in our judicial system, a lot of corrupt things going on in everything that we're looking at right now. But God is judge. He can tear down one and bring up another. So what we have to do as sons of the Most High God is to not lose heart, to not lose faith, to trust in God and say, "God, I thank you. No matter if men let us down, you are sure. You will never let us down. You will not fail us. You will not forsake us." So we thank you, Father God, that every lie is being revealed. We thank you, Father God, that the dam, that great dam of lies that's been holding back truth, that's been holding back freedom, it's been holding back everything in this world, I thank you, Father God, that that foundation, that dam is breaking. I thank you, Father God, that you are bringing the truth in like a flood to destroy every lie of the enemy that's been keeping us enslaved in this Earth. Because you said this is part of the Great Exodus. You said you are freeing us, delivering us from the hands of the oppressors and the evil ones. Because you said in your word that you hear the cries of your people and you deliver us out of it all.

Now again, that's a powerful, powerful scripture, and I say it all the time because it's important. It's important for you to be reminded of Psalm 34:17 and 19.

You know what? Psalm 34, verse 4. I'm going to read that first. I sought the Lord and required of Him, of necessity and authority of His word. We're acquiring a family authority of His word. And He heard me. Remember Isaiah 55, verse 11. His word does not return to Him void. So if we're speaking His word back to Him, He hears us. And we have that confidence that He hears us and delivered me from all my fears.

A lot of people are in so much fear. In one of these days, I know people have been asking, I have given my testimony about where I was to how I am now. I will just do a live show with a testimony, okay? And just have the Lord say it however He wants me to say it. Because I know so many people are uh have so much fear and worry and anxiety, and God wants to deliver you as well from that.

Now, um, verse 7. Psalm 34, verse 7. "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, you know, worship Him with awe, and each of them He delivers." Again, He's faithful to perform His word. He talks about delivering. Then another one, verse 17. Psalm 34, verse 17. "When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of their distress and troubles." God hears you, and He will deliver you. It's not if, it's not if. God says He will. He's a sure thing. In verse 19, now listen to this. "Many evils confront the consistently righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all." Many evils, so we can see there's a lot of evil going around the world and all these things are happening. And God says many evils confront or try to oppress us, try to do everything it can to control us. And God says He will deliver us out of it all. And then you put the scripture Jeremiah that I wrote to you earlier, that He's faithful to perform His word.

Okay, let's see here. I'm gonna go to Hebrews really quick. Before, when God made up, this is Hebrews 6:13, "For when God made His promise to Abraham, and He swore by Himself, since He had no one greater to swear, saying, 'Blessing I will certainly bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.' And so, after waiting patiently, Abraham obtained the promise. For men indeed swear by a greater than themselves, and with them in all disputes, the oath taken for confirmation is final, ending strife. Accordingly, God also, in His desire to show more convincingly and beyond doubt to those who were heirs of the promise, the unchangeableness of His purpose and plan, intervened mediated with an oath. So, we already gave a promise, now He's giving an oath. I've talked about this before, but He wanted me to do it again. Verse 18, "This is so that by two unchangeable things, His promise and His oath, in which it is impossible for God ever to prove false, that means God can't lie. So if God is promising to deliver us, God is saying He hears us, He sees what's going on. He has two unchangeable things, a promise and an oath that God cannot lie. And if He says He's going to deliver, that's what God is going to do, period, the end.

Um, and then again, for His promise and His oath, in which it is impossible for God to ever prove false or deceive us, we have fled to Him for refuge, might have mighty and dwelling strength. Again, God giving us strength, strong encouragement to grasp, that means hold on and hold fast, a hope appointed for us, set before us. Verse 19, "Now that we have this hope as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, it cannot slip and cannot break down under whatever steps out upon it, and a hope reaches farther and enters the very certainty of the presence within the veil." So again, God has given us a promise and He's given us an oath, a sure steadfast anchor to our souls that when we are enduring things like what we're seeing right now with this evil that is going around the world, that looks like it's in control, it looks like they can do whatever they want when they want, they can pass any law they want, they can do whatever they want, they can protect themselves unjustly. God is saying, "I don't care what it looks like." God has two unchangeable things, His promise and His oath. He doesn't care what the enemy has. Remember, the enemy that's holding the enemies that we see up has already been thrown out of Heaven, that has already been disarmed and has already been brought to nothing. So that means the enemies that we see today have the power in them that has been thrown out of Heaven and been brought to nothing. So they have nothing that's compared to by Almighty God, and they will be brought down. God said He will deliver you, and that's exactly what He is going to do. So right now, what we have to do is we have to brace for this.

What's going to happen and with all this dam of lies breaks, this great dam of lies when it breaks wide open, it is going to shake this world like it's never been shaken before. And when truth comes out like a flood, some people won't be able to handle it very well. And God is saying He wants you to be prepared for this impact. He keeps saying, "brace for impact, brace for impact." And people are like, "What is that?" When the enemies are not going to go down without a fight. Okay, they already are fighting with everything that they possibly have. I'm sure they have more things under their sleeves that they're going about to implement. They're going to try anyway, but it's not going to work. Just like their, you know, great reset. It's not tribulation. It's not going to work. Their great reset is not going to happen, no matter how hard they try. It doesn't matter because it's all in the timing and the will of God.

So what we have to do is our marching orders is to speak life, to speak blessing, to speak that every truth will be revealed, forbid, deny their power, deny their access, to keep controlling the narrative, to keep controlling the airwaves, to keep controlling social media, to keep controlling governments, to keep controlling laws. Deny their power and their access. You have the power on the inside of you. Remember, you have the greater one on the inside of you, and He has given you revelation knowledge on the things to say, exactly what to do.

Remember with the walls of Jericho, He gave them instructions, specific instructions. Like the land of Goshen, He gave them specific instructions right before their breakthrough, right before their enemy had fallen before their face. God had given His people specific instructions to be serious about. And so, what God is doing is giving us very specific instructions for us to do right before our enemy falls. The enemy is not if the enemy is going to fall. It's that if their plans are going to fail. It is all but when. And that's not our duty to try to determine when it's going to be. All God is saying is He's given us warnings, and He's saying those warnings are bought up.

And I can feel like, I there's again, the prophetic words are coming out during our prayer calls. It is, there's sometimes it's two and three, each time, almost, not every day, but almost. And it's getting, it's just ramping up. The prophecies are ramping up, and I can just feel like even yesterday when He gave me one of the prophetic words yesterday, and I don't know when He's gonna have me give it out, but I will give you a little hint. It's called a Dead Man Walking. And that was, it's revealing to more than just one person, but it's so powerful because He is saying enough is enough. He's had enough. And when you hear God say enough is enough, we are about to see like a Red Sea moment. We're about to, well, He even said greater than the Red Sea moment because remember, He saved a nation. Now, He's saving the nations. Are we saving nations, all the nations around the world from the evil ones?

And so, what you saw right before, what happened with even with Pharaoh and his men, they kept pursuing and kept pursuing, and that kept pursuing no matter what all the plagues that had hit them, no matter they lost everything. They literally lost everything. But they still kept pursuing God's people until the Red Sea, and then God stopped them. The walls of Jericho, God stopped them. All the things again, God stops the enemy when we least expect it. I said again, God stops the enemy when we least expect it. It's not going to be like we are, no, we're gonna know, uh, around the time because you'll feel it in your spirit. I'm telling you, you will because I can start feeling it in my spirit. It's ramping up. It's like a volcano about to erupt. You keep saying that things are intensifying, and they are. It is getting close. He said it's like a collision, it's like something about ready to collide, like a collision course. And good versus evil, it's going to clash. And guess what's gonna happen? Evil never wins.

So, I want to go back over this prophetic word. He says, "Walk close with me in these days. You will need more power, more peace, more joy. I have it all for you now."

God has everything that we need. Now it's ours. Now the enemy is trying to do everything he can to keep you out of what's already yours. He's trying to steal your revelation knowledge that God has given to you. That these things like healing is already yours now, freedom is already yours now, being of a sound mind is already yours now, prosperity is already yours now, blessing is already yours now. We say, "Julie, my life is in shambles." Yes, Satan has done everything he can to steal everything he can from you. And now it's time for the body of Christ to start standing up and deny Satan.

I deny you access to my family. I deny you access to my mind. I deny you access to my body. You could not keep my healing. You cannot keep what's already been given to me. You can't keep my children because they are mine. They are God's property, and you will not touch them. They are covered in the blood of Jesus Christ. And that is how you wage warfare. Remember, you are in the army of the Lord. You have power, you have authority, and dominion. So, you need to know that power, you need to know that authority, you need to know that dominion. And so, when you're speaking to your enemy, you're speaking to him with force. You're speaking to him the power of almighty God that God has given to you.

And when you walk closer with God, then you'll have that revelation knowledge. That you know what, today you can have that. Just like an epiphany, today you know what, I am not going to put up with that pain today. Pain, you have to go out of my body in Jesus' name. I don't care what those symptoms are, I don't care what they're saying. You cannot stay on my body. I rebuke you, and I deny Satan. I deny your access upon my body in the name of Jesus. That's how we're supposed to live.

Believe you me, I put up with too much stuff. And I know so many other people have put up with too much stuff. And God said, "Stop putting up with this stuff. Stop putting up with that. What the enemy is doing, he doesn't have the power unless we give it to him." And that's why God says in Isaiah 4:6, "God's people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." If we don't know the power, authority, and dominion we have, if we don't know the truth, that truth will not set us free because we won't know it. And then that's how your enemy can get in there and that's how he can deceive you out of what's already yours.

Remember, I keep bringing this up because God keeps bringing this up. Adam and Eve, they already had the ultimate power and the authority and dominion in this earth. They were walking in the cool the day with God. I cannot believe they gave in. But they gave in to a lie. And when they gave in to a lie, Satan twisted it and made it appear like they didn't have something that they already did. And they literally stole what was rightfully theirs. He is not any different. He's been stealing what has already been ours our entire life. We just didn't know it. Now we do.

In Proverbs 6:30-31, when a thief has been caught, he has to do what? Give it back seven times. Catch the thief. Remember, I gave a prophetic word the other day, and I, he gave me scriptures like give me scriptures to give to you, and Joel 2 about restoring the years. He is going to restore. This is part of that greater Exodus that he's been talking about, that will come to pass. He said that no feeble among them in Israel during Passover, he healed him of every affliction, of every oppression, of everything that the enemy did to his people spiritually and physically and financially. He brought freedom and restored everything to them that the enemy had done against them. It's a great revelation that God is giving to us. He is going to restore the years. Don't know how, but He will. He's going to restore our health, He's going to restore our soul because His ultimate thing is what God wants is to make us whole. Remember how many times did Jesus say He wants to make you whole? Whole wholeness, nothing missing, nothing broken, peace. He wants you to have nothing missing, nothing broken. And also, says to lack nothing, to lack no thing. He wants you to have everything that He has promised you. And that's what we have to hold on to right now.

Again, He's telling us, deny, deny, deny the enemy's power against you. All right, my children, get prepared now for the flood of people that are about to flood into churches. Get ready spiritually to be able to receive the flood of the Great Harvest. And what do we have to do? And for the body of Christ, one of the things that's running rampant around the world is selfishness, self-centeredness. What about me, what about me? And I know a lot of people are going through hell on earth, but if we, there's even times where I was physically and spiritually attacked so horrifically bad, I didn't know how to function. And then God told me to go pray for somebody. But how can I pray for somebody if I can't? He said, "Go pray for somebody." So, that seed. And I'd pray for somebody. In that same time praying for somebody, I was healed. I wasn't looking at me. I was looking to God. Okay, God, you said you were going to do this for me. I want to go and I want to lay hands on the sick because you said they will recover.

We look to Him. He's the author and finisher of our faith. Satan tries to get us to think of our own little bubble, in our own little world, to not think about the bigger picture. And God is saying we have to be prepared for this big outpouring of the glory of Almighty God to bring in the people, but He needs us prepared - to be strong, to be confident, to be bold. He will not leave us nor forsake us. But also, He's given us the ability and the power. Remember, He's put us far above all principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this world. We are not on the same level as our enemy. We are far above our enemies. They should be under our feet, and we have to realize that on a daily basis our enemy is under our feet.

If you have things going on in your own mind or your own body, if you have things going on in your family, if you have a family member that is going through hell on earth, remember you have the Greater One on the inside of you. You speak life about that person. You speak life into that situation. You speak blessing into that situation. You speak abundance, increasing, more than enough, no matter what it is. You speak it, and God is faithful to perform it. We just have to focus on what God wants us to do because there are times when you can be so bad under attack and not know what to think or what to do, and God tells you to go do something because it's part of that breakthrough. He's like, "Hey, don't keep your focus on that problem. Keep your focus on me. You keep your focus on me. I will be able to manifest my glory in your life because you're not in fear, you're not in worry, you're not in self-pity, or you're not in complacency. You're not in that 'I just had to put up with this stuff.' God wants you free. He wants all of us free."

And just thinking of these children and what they're going through, the innocence that's being stolen from children is something I thought I would never see. And we need to start praying for that more. We pray for that in our prayer call, but we need to pray for the innocence of children to be protected. I'm bringing them. I'm bringing them. Let's just talk about our enemy and it all down in front of your eyes, and the world will see my splendor, my glory, my power, and the work of my hand. And it will bring people to their knees rushing to churches once again.

There are some things that are going to be so big that it's not going to look good. It's not. Even after what happened in our country in 9/11. I'll never forget that day. And I remember it. I mean, it brought people who never thought they would ever walk into church, and it brought them to church. But the pastors didn't know how to handle it. And those people came for about two weeks and left because there wasn't any answer, there wasn't a solution, they didn't know, they weren't getting any comfort, and they left. What this is going to be, I don't know, but it's going to be enough to rattle people up. And so what God is doing right now is preparing us. He's freeing us, giving us this revelation knowledge, giving us His will, giving us what He needs us to know for this very day and this very hour so we can overcome, so we can be those vessels of Almighty God that He needs - His hands, His feet, His mouthpieces in this earth - in order to receive the great harvest of souls. It is about people, that's what it's all about, it's about bringing more people in. He doesn't want the body of Christ to be so enslaved, to be so oppressed, to be so fearful, to be so sick, to be so in anguish, to be in such despair that we aren't good to anybody because the church hasn't been.

But God is saying it's now time for the church to align with the head, which is the body, for us to receive what the head, what Jesus, has already done for us. What has He already done? He's done it all. He's done it all. But Satan has been stealing the revelation knowledge. "I don't have to put up with this diagnosis from a doctor. I don't have to put up with this in my life. I have power and authority to command the situation, and I'm going to use that power and authority and dominion." But the enemy has been trying to cheat us and manipulate us out of the power and authority and dominion that we have, just like he did with Adam and Eve. That is a great example of what is going on in the body of Christ today.

Now look what He says. It's coming. It's all coming to a close. The end is near. He's been saying that a lot lately. The more He says something, the more He repeats something, it's right at that door. It's coming. He says that the end is near of the condition the world is in now. Brace for this impact. It's not going to be easy. Brace for this flood. Brace for the shifts. Brace for the coming destruction of the great reset that's been afflicting this world - the great reset that's been trying to take God out of this world, the reset that's been trying to steal everything from the church.

Manipulate the body of Christ into believing that they're nothing, into believing that they're weak, they're wimpy, they're frail, they are just like everybody else, they have no power, they have no authority, that they're just useless to society. That's what the great reset has done. They have controlled the economy, they've controlled the governments, they've been controlling the schools, they've been controlling everything. Why do you think they have that law about church and state, the separation of church and state? That's the biggest crock of crap, and I'm going to say it out loud because it wasn't the church that was supposed to be separate from the government, it was supposed to be the government that was not supposed to be in the business of the church. But when they pushed that, then the body of Christ and religion said, "Stay out of politics, you took God out of politics." That's what happened. God was taken out of politics, and that's why we have people like we have in politics today. And so, what God is doing to us, He's asking us to invite Him back in.

He says, "A cleansing." Now listen, I'm going to read the first two paragraphs. "A great dam of lies breaking and a dam of lies that has enslaved a nation, a dam of lies that has stolen a nation, a dam of lies that has controlled the world, a dam of lies that has manipulated the global economy, a dam of lies that has held back justice, held back liberty, held back freedom. Well, that dam is breaking." And he had me put that in bold. "There are cracks in the foundation, there are cracks in the walls, and the dam of lies is about to burst open and truth to flood the airwaves. Truth will flood nations, truth will flood churches, truth will flood everywhere to bring a great cleansing upon this earth, a cleansing in your souls, a cleansing in your body, a cleansing in your finances, a cleansing in your governments, a cleansing in your schools, a cleansing everywhere to usher in my glory, a great awakening and a great revival the world has never seen."

That's what God wants, and that's what God is saying is happening. The great dam of lies that's been holding this great reset up, that's been holding up its power, that's been holding up its ability to do the things that we're seeing the globalists been able to do in the last... I don't know how many years, because God's been saying this has been going on for over 100 years. We just noticed it in the last three. But God is saying that power, that dam that they had of lies, that corruption that they have been able to push, He's saying that is all coming down. And so, our job is to celebrate it, our job is to confess it, our job is to start declaring and decreeing. We thank you, Father God, that that great dam of lies is coming down today. And that's what he's going to have me pray. Allegiant, everyone, right now, that we pray that the great reset and anything that's been holding it up is coming down.

So, Heavenly Father, right now, in the mighty name of Jesus, the name that's above every name, I thank you, Father God, for revelation from heaven. I thank you, Father God, for this prophetic word that you have given to us, these words that we have to hear for this very day and this very hour, this fresh manna from heaven. We thank you, Father God, right now, by the blood of Jesus Christ, that that great dam of lies is breaking, that the foundation, those cracks are growing bigger and bigger and bigger. We deny the power of that great dam of lies. We deny the power and the access of the enemy to this global reset. We command the great reset to come down now by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We command any globalists, we command every person, every corporation, anything that's holding them up, we command it to come down now by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We deny their access and their power over this nation, the United States of America. We deny their power and their access to our government, to our presidency, to our House, to our Senate, to our states, to every part of this country.

We deny their access. We deny the access to what they're doing with the economy. We deny their access around every nation around the world, no matter what nation is watching today. I thank you, Father God, we deny the power of the enemy's access in all these nations, and to their governments, into their laws, into what they are doing with the children, what they're doing with the economy, what they're doing with the schools, what they're doing with every walk of life. I thank you, Father God, we deny the enemy's power over us today. We deny, we deny his access into our bodies, we deny his access into our minds, we deny his access into our churches, we deny his access into our children. We deny, deny, deny. We command by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth that truth prevails, that truth is flowing out everywhere right now, to set the captives free.

Father God, we thank you that you have given us power, that you've given us authority, that you have given us dominion over all the power of the enemy. And I thank you right now that we're taking back this earth. We are taking back what rightfully belongs to us because of what Jesus has done for us. I thank you, Father God, that we're taking back our freedoms by the blood of Jesus. We are taking back our freedoms, our freedoms in our mind, our freedoms in our health, our freedoms in every area of our life. We're taking it back today, everything that's been stolen. Everything that's been stolen has to be given back.

Heavenly Father, we are denying access for every person in a political power, every person in that political power that's been held up because of lies and corruption and deceit. We call those people to be removed by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, no matter whether they're on the side of the left or on our side of the right, it doesn't matter. We call them down in Jesus' name. We call down their laws. We call down any corruption in every fashion. And we deny its power and authority and dominion over us. And I thank you, Father God, that the church, your remnant, is opening up their eyes. It's awakening, a great awakening, a great awakening, a great awakening. Father God, right now, a great awakening in the body of Christ. Remove blinders and soften people's hearts, open their eyes to the truth, the truth of who they are in you, the truth of your glory, the truth of your resurrection power, the truth of the name of Jesus above every name.

And we thank you, Father God, for this day. We thank you, Father God, for your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. We thank you this day, Father God, for breakthroughs. We thank you, Father God, this day for your will done in our lives and in our nations. In Jesus' name, amen.

Again, how I just prayed was what God wanted us, those were his words, what he wanted us to say, what he wanted us to be united in agreement right now. This is why what I had planned for today did not go that way, and I never want to go the way I planned. I always want to go how God wants it to go. This is a very important day for the children of almighty God to deny the enemy's power because something that they want to do was just about to happen, and God needs us all to be on that page, to not get in fear, and to deny its power. We might feel an impact, but we deny the full power of their plan. And this is part of this great shaking and awakening. We're at a very pivotal moment in this nation, in the body of Christ, in the world. Our enemies are at a breaking point. So what we need to do is to keep speaking the word of God, keep speaking life, blessing, power, authority in everything that God wants you to say and everything He wants to do for any specific day. It might sound weird and it might sound crazy sometimes, the things that God has you to say, because it looks exactly opposite of what's going on. But there's a reason for what He's saying. There's a reason for us to do what He tells us to do today. This is important, and I felt with every fiber of my being how important this is. Deny, deny, deny the power of the enemy against you, against your family, against your nation. Deny its power and keep saying it. I don't care if you say it 50 times a day, a hundred times a day, however many times God wants you to say it, you keep just saying, "I deny, deny the enemy's power against me because God is on my side." And I thank you, Father God, for the angel armies. I thank you, Father God, for the name of Jesus. I thank you, Father God, for the blood of Jesus. Everything we need, we're like Goshen, we're protected.

Well, I also encourage you today. I really, I, you know, again, I really wanted to go over some question and answers, but this is something we were on assignment today. Okay, we were on assignment today, and God had us do this today. So one of these days, I will do it when the Lord prompts me to do it, to do a question and answering or to do the testimony, the frequently asked questions that people have been asking about. I really want to get those questions addressed. Um, so, but until then, uh, maybe maybe next week. But I just want to say, like I say, I really do hope it's encouraged you, because this is what God has put on my heart for this ministry, to encourage the body of Christ, to not ever give up, to not quit because God's on our side. Amen. Well, please like, subscribe, and share, and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth, because the truth will set you free. God loves you, I love you, God bless you, and have a wonderful day.


great dam, breaking, lies, enslaved, nation, stolen, controlled, world, manipulated, global economy, justice, liberty, freedom, cracks, foundation, walls, burst open, truth, flood, airwaves, nations, churches, cleansing, souls, body, finances, governments, schools, usher, glory, Great Awakening, revival, coming, close, near, brace, impact, ships, destruction, great reset, afflicting, bringing down, splendor, power, hand, people, knees, rushing, children, prepared, flood, harvest, walk close, power, peace, joy, saith the Lord, Redeemer

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