DHS Practicing To Shoot Americans - 2013 ABC News

1 year ago

Publication date 2013-02-20

""He who creates the news, has the best chance at controlling it."

ABC does the job its supposed to do. Whitewash the practicing of shooting americans, and bring up some interesting facts, that are glossed over. The money sent to Keene, for instance, is used to fight the "free keeners". Local activists, who are doing there part in the fight against Big Brother, in all his glorious forms.

DHS is not screwin' around making crazy, "ear doesnt lie", videos. DHS isnt sitting back playing ,YT keyboard warrior. ( actually there are DHS Cyber divisions, but by comparison, its a much smaller faction, than the ones who are training to shoot you.) DHS is preparing to shoot anyone who threatens the "shared dictatorship". I cannot help you. I can only warn you. Do not be afraid......do not get scared. GET ACTIVE. Stop the police state before you cant. Say no to drones and to camera surveilence. Its coming to your town, if its not already there."

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