Russian artillery destroys 'stationing point' in Pyatikhatok

1 year ago

On Telegram, the following statement accompanied the video:
"Destruction of the stationing point of the AFU in Pyatikhatki.

The work of artillery 429 MSP 58 Army.

Pyatikhatki is a large settlement with at least 250 buildings. In each of them and under each of them in the cellar / basement, an enemy can be located. Before striking, a thorough reconnaissance is carried out. If one or two militants are seen, shells are usually not spent on such an object. But when an active movement is detected, a fire defeat is inflicted. The building in the video stands out noticeably from the background of others. It was reckless on the part of the enemy to choose him for deployment. A lot of them got in there. With all the consequences. Destructive and flammable consequences.

Vladikavkaz artillerymen warn that the deployment of armed citizens of foreign states on the territory of Russian settlements, in particular the village of Pyatikhatok, is prohibited and is fined with a 152-mm caliber."

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