Crimea Bridge Attack, NPC Tik Tok/Twitter Trolls Get Paid, More Train Derailments | @GetIndieNews

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➡️Biden and Zelensky: Kings of destroying critical infrastructure
It seems Ukraine is committed to terrorist attacks as their main tactics in this war since they don’t stand much of a chance on the battlefield. Why is Ukraine attacking Crimea when the counteroffensive is not near there?

This morning, yet ANOTHER toxic train derailment in PA. Details soon to come.

➡️Elon Musk now paying dividends to your favorite twitter shitlibs and trolls in the thousands. Time to start blocking these people for good.

New odd NPC trend is taking over TikTok. What is this for, who is it for, and why?

Politically Homeless with Crab and Chris, streaming Mondays at 9pm.

Greg @bigmadcrab (Videos/Music)
Chris @phourtuenti (Twitter)

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