"I hope that every smell that you smell.... is a fart from your dogs ass" - 2013 Connecticut Carry

1 year ago

Publication date 2013-06-22
by Connecticut Carry
"On May 8th, News Times (newstimes.com) released an article (http://www.newstimes.com/policereports/article/Away-from-the-spotlight-Sandy-Hook-parent-4496775.php) on Neil Heslin where they exposed that the Bloomberg 'gun violence' advocate was to be in court for bouncing checks from his failed construction business and failure to appear in court. His failure to appear was because he was at the White House espousing his victim disarmament plans.

After a few sources came forward and mentioned that we should dig into this further and gave us some leads, we did some research. Sure enough, we found an extensive criminal and civil history that had been conveniently left out of the News Times article. We compiled this information into a press release (http://ctcarry.com/News/Release/b2aa31d5-a170-47fb-944f-ea776c90bc21) and sent it to our media contacts in case they wanted to present the entire story.

Christina Wilkie of the Huffington Post decided to write a hit piece on the release accusing us of 'smearing' Neil Heslin and trying to use as evidence that Bloomberg and his anti-gun associates do not keep their dealings with their business partners transparent. Instead, we are supposed to be left to believe that a man that was being repeatedly sued for failure to pay child support and bouncing thousands of dollars of checks prior to the Newtown Massacre is now suddenly independently wealthy enough to travel all over the country advocating against human rights and trying to make the rest of America as unsafe as his child's school was that day.

The Huffington Post ran and our phone trap began catching voicemail after voicemail of hate filled garbage including credible threats of violence. These were all archived and catalogued. We have now exposed them online along with all personal information we have from them so the world can see what kind of people we are up against and so we can show further evidence of our statement against Neil Heslin:
So often we find that the strongest critics of the right to bear arms are those people who cannot be trusted with firearms themselves.
As it turns out, Christina Wilkie had utilized a small group of the lunatic fringe known to themselves as 'Occupy the NRA'. This group decided to outright lie about the entire issue and claim that we were running 'attack ads' and 'harassing' the families in Newtown. Many of the voicemails and emails we received refer to this and are obviously both confused and clueless about what the issue is even supposed to be.

Their words will be the best witnesses against them. "

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