Iranian regime resumes crackdowns against violators of mandatory hijab laws

1 year ago

Iranian authorities have announced a new campaign to force women to wear the Islamic headscarf, as Iran's infamous “morality police” returned to the streets ten months after the death of a woman in their custody sparked nationwide protests. The so-called "morality police" had pulled back after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini last September, as authorities struggled to contain mass protests calling for the overthrow of the theocracy that has ruled Iran for over four decades. The protests largely died down earlier this year after a heavy crackdown in which more than 500 protesters were killed and nearly 20,000 detained. But many women continued to disregard the official dress code, especially in the capital, Tehran, and other cities. Reportedly, the Iranian regime is, once again, forcefully cracking down on those who fail to comply with the leadership's dress code standards.

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