Daniel the Prophet, Chapter 11, Part 1

1 year ago

The critics of God's Word hate this chapter!
Hundreds of years in advance of the actual occurrences (now history to us in the 21st century), Daniel reports the message given him by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel outlines the empires that will engage with Israel and Judah during the four hundred years between the Old and New Testaments.
Particular interest is shown in the wars between the "King of the South" and the "King of the North." These are the Ptolemaic Greek empire of Egypt, and the Seleucid Greek Empire of Syria.
But it doesn't stop there. By the time we reach verse 36, Gabriel reveals much of what we know about "The Beast," also referred to in the New Testament as Antichrist.
So be amazed as Daniel reveals future history. Some already fulfilled for us, and much to come.
All in Daniel, Chapter 11.

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