Matt MQ chatting with Q compilation of 2x chats circa December 2021

1 year ago

A long long time ago I chatted with Q about some intuited stuff that I felt as well as some questions on a private zoom chat.

Back then I was still working through some mind energy/ego stuff and was so excited that I thought I was apart of the energies of Q.

The honest answer, WE ALL ARE...! Nobody's more or less special than anybody else as we're all fragments of Divine Source experiencing singularity as [you/me/him/her] for lack of a better term.

Back then, I was a little too excited haha Can't blame myself though - That was one of the greatest moments of the last 3 years of the great awakening. The host always tries to tell me that i'm either sleeping or eating breakfast. Neither was taking place but it was one heck of a fun time.

If we're not having fun, we're not doing it right. All lessons we listen and learn from lead to greater wisdom overall as a wise man called [insert any name here].

-Light ships in the sky (video evidence enclosed)
-Fun things that slipped through the crack - Movie industry
silo a soul/soul groups being a vastly incapable statement
-Q explaining the lightship that I saw being my silo of consciousness.
-The tool negative et's use to observe us
-How negative entities need us as creator beings to create reality
-Nothing we see isn't created by ourselves
-How we participate and overlap with timelines
-The linguistical nightmare of the English language
-Q explaining why him and other ascended masters come here every 2k years
-Q and the host discussing a comedic experience on the lightship
-Q discussing the meetings that they have onboard in the higher dimensions
-Q unpacks how he felt my energy before we met - dropping 1 leg jokes!
-Q discussing synchronicity and how we bi-locate more often than we think
-Abductions and traumas - why was I so heavily targeted
-Q unpacks a little about his time in the hyperspace programs
-How the dark entities find and choose light beings of high vibration
-The timeline of the most targeting - when were you born?
-How negative entities can cut paste and edit time, and even change how and what was said. Right down to the tone of language, and the reactions from other participants.
-Q's take on my future helping others
-Short discussion about my NDE and how to heal to assist humanity.


Q playlist on Spottily (compilation of songs he sings or speaks lyrics at the start of every show.

This playlist is comprehensive! Please note some songs are also added by Spotify's algorithm. But, they're good songs too, so, why not!


Matt MQ

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