Captain Kyle Patriots - Capt Kyle's Truck Talk 7/15/23

1 year ago

🇺🇸🇨🇱TRUCK TALK🇨🇱🇺🇸

Public Service Announcement 📣

The War we have been fighting is Real. The News is Fake and completely false propaganda.

Don’t ever let your guard down. Why there are still evil / bad people out there.

Are they DS or are they just criminals just being criminals??? Both but the head of the DS is and has been gone.

Scare events are coming and when they do don’t get caught up in them. Even good people do stupid stuff when they are subjected to severe crazy town.


God has this his plans are perfect. Even if you don’t see it. Or feel something different.
God has Got This☄️

Stay Frosty head up eyes to the front. We got your six.


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Capt Kyle
Renegade Matrix Warrior 🇺🇸
A member of the family of light
Warriors for altering systems of consciousness within the free will universe

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