
1 year ago


Feeling good and flying high
Looking on the brighter side
Cross my heart, don’t wanna die
They shot...direct hit, I fell from the sky

The panic begins, the engines are down
I think of my sins as I crash to the ground
My training kicks in, will the enemy win?
It’s all in God’s hands now…

Play it out for a while, avoiding the threat from the projectiles
Both of the engines on fire, prepare for the impact, read all the dials
Crashed on a deserted isle, run for my life like it’s out of style
Captured sporting a smile, give me and inch, I’ll give you denial

The torture hurts, keep my spirit in check
Life could be worse...it isn’t over yet

Overpower the guards, making my way to the rendezvous spot
Navigate by the stars, a great escape is all that I’ve got
Tried to sound the alarm, but I delayed their time of response
Projectiles disarmed, I slipped away unharmed

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