Andrew Tate About Women, completely demeaning and basically he thinks of women as sclaves

1 year ago

Andrew Tate About Women, completely demeaning and basically he thinks of women as sclaves.
First he says a woman must sit at home, don't talk to any other man.
Second, he takes something normal: sexuality and turns it into something despicable. He accuses older women of being dirty for having multiple sex partners in their lives while him did the same with women. First a false ideea then a hypocrisy.
Third: he says that a womans role is to bolster the ego of her man.
In the 4th video Andrew Tate gives a platitude and a scammy sweet talk, just to pepper things: If you have a good woman its great if you dont have one its hell. Jeeze thats inteligent.
5th video: I would never let a woman pay for a bill. Meaning women in his view dont have access to money, dont have money of their own. Another means of control and demeaning women by saying women shouldnt have money of their own.
Another video: Tate says that he sleeps with women without emotion so his infidelity is less than of a woman.
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