America Undefined

1 year ago

All my playlists allow me to add other videos from other channels, but not this specific video to this specific playlist, not tonight. That's ok, I will add it to all the rest!
See how they hide all the opposition and resistance, that you thought didn't even exist. And that is why they censor, for ultimate deception, manipulation and control.
The definition of censorship per is even flawed and makes zero mention of any type of other censoring other than books.i wonder if that's a mistake? Heavens no, that's google deceit at work. Google owns you tube. Google unlocks every app by showing your identity throgh google to the app, think about that. Google is the leader in ai.
Think the phrick about it.

Who should you Lean on the least for information, and always back check with two others? You got it.
Who should you aware about it, in person to person contact? Something they account very little for anymore, you got it!
I knew you were smart and good looking. Good for you!

" (Google)Dictionary
Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
"the regulation imposes censorship on all media"
(in ancient Rome) the office or position of censor.
"he celebrated a triumph together with his father and they held the censorship jointly""

in order to fight this one must be able to define this, as you can see we are all screwed from the start, as it's purposely not properly defined

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