ExecuPeaks: Sasha Laghonh, Founder of Sasha Talks; Speaker & Multimedia Contributor

1 year ago

Sasha Talks celebrates global talents sharing their mission and higher purpose in life. Explore the journey of entrepreneurs, educators, authors, business professionals & drivers of humanitarian causes. Learn more at www.sashatalks.com.

The tables are turned! Meet Sasha - She's the Founder of an educational and entertainment platform that integrates self & professional development into nurturing sustainable results. As a speaker, mentor and author, she partners alongside different clients to capitalize upon their talent. She has produced several platforms for media outlets, and has authored books focusing on business, self-development and spirituality. Sasha communicates her insights through apps, blogs, magazines, live appearances and custom engagements. Credit: Visit www.sashatalks.com to learn more. Thank you to our Guest Host Bob Livingston for interviewing Sasha.

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